#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

For someone whose life was about putting out fires, he sure had a way of sending an explosive heat soaring through me, igniting this inferno that shot right through every nerve in my goddamn body and had my cock steadily expanding in my jeans, tightening against the fabric of my boxers.

The taste of vanilla and cookie dough lingered on his tongue, and I lapped it up as he took me by my arms and pulled me to my feet, then shoved me back against the wall.

We didn’t exchange any more words, and I just kissed him, the heat radiating through me intensifying in my face, ablaze with what Jace had the power to ignite within me. I moaned into his mouth, but he silenced it just as quickly as he kissed me again. There was something about messing around with Jace that made me lose track of everything, completely in tune with all my senses.

I gripped his sides and guided him back, and before I knew it, had him pressed up against the counter. He pulled and pushed, and soon I was back against it. There was this erotic tug-of-war happening between us as we each asserted dominance.

His confidence in the way he moved, in the way he shamelessly made out with me despite his lack of experience with a man, was so goddamned impressive.

Did everything about him have to be so fucking impressive?

Those abs.

That face.

Those eyes.

That attitude.

The way his tongue teased against mine.

The way he breathed out, the air rushing against my face in a way that had me on edge, needing so much more.

He slid his hand around my side and cupped my ass firmly in his grip.

What we had shared in London had been hot, but being in his arms again, it was like my body felt palpable relief knowing it was getting to savor the experience once again.

A bark caught my ear, surprising us both so much that we pulled away, our eyes darting down. Mac glanced between us, clearly totally thrown.

Jace’s body was still flush with mine, keeping me against the counter, his hand on my ass. He chuckled. “Not a fan of Dax getting all the attention, buddy?” He turned back to me. “Well, too bad.” He offered another kiss without hesitation or reservation, pushing up firmly against me. “I missed this…”



Missed it so fucking much.

Seeing him sitting there, enjoying that ice cream, his lips as kissable as ever…it was too much for me.

He slid his hand between us, rubbing against my crotch. I knew I was getting hard, but hadn’t realized just how much until he started stroking it.

“Who knew a man could feel this good?” I said, pulling my lips free just long enough to speak the words before kissing him again.

He smiled, adding between kisses, “I…had…a fairly…good idea.”

“Oh shit.” I pulled away and hurried to grab the ice cream and return it to the freezer.

Dax was leaning back against the counter when I finished, looking at me like I’d lost my goddamn mind, and said, “I’m sorry. I’m just admiring how adorable that was, and wondering how long it’s going to be before we take this show to the bedroom.”

“Oh, I make you dinner, and then you just want to mess around? What kind of manners are those?” I said in as facetious a tone as I could muster.

“Manners aren’t my strength.”

“I’m eager to find out what your strengths are,” I said as I rushed back to him.

“Have you always had this way about you?” he asked, interrupting my enjoyment of his mouth.

“Sexy as fuck?”

“I wasn’t talking about the arrogance, which is hot, by the way. No, just this blind confidence in yourself.”

“Why’s it blind?”

“You said you messed around with a guy once in college.”

I shrugged. “Yeah.”

“But you certainly don’t hesitate or have any concerns about making out with me.”

“I’ve made out with plenty of girls, so this, I know I’m good at.” I took his mouth again. Not that I needed to prove my point, but it was fun to. And the longer I kissed him, the more I remembered that damn, I missed that tongue…how he nipped at my lips…the way he was so fucking good at what he did too.

“Now, about…getting…to that bedroom,” he said between kisses.

“Sooner…the…better.” Despite saying that, I had to pry myself away from him.

Even then, looking at the pink of his lips in contrast to the dark scruff speckled across his face just had me wanting to get right back to it.

I checked on Mac, only to see him lying in his bed in the living room, eyeing us as though he wasn’t interested in interrupting us. “Come on,” I said, guiding Dax up the stairway to the second floor and the master bedroom. He glanced around as if assessing my place. Made me wonder what his place in LA looked like.


