#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“I got you, boy,” Jace told him before heading back into the kitchen and slipping Mac a piece of cooked chicken, since he’d saved a few just for that purpose.

I slid into a chair on one end, and Jace sat in the one adjacent to me, taking charge as he grabbed a fork and offered me some chicken, then scooping mashed potatoes on my plate.

“Salt? Pepper? Extra cheese for the taters?”

“Well, aren’t you quite the host?”

“I try to excel in everything I do,” he said, his tone dripping with charm and sex appeal. “Now hurry up and try that fried chicken, and tell me if that doesn’t make you realize any other fried chicken you’ve had in your life is some bullshit.”

I grabbed a piece, and as I pulled it to my mouth, said, “I don’t have much to compare it to, but I’ll let you know.”

I took a bite, enjoying the sensation of the spices pricking at my tongue, the eruption of flavor in my mouth. “Fuck,” I murmured, which made Jace grin.

“Damn right. That’s what you’ve been missing all these years.”

I relished the taste before taking another bite, a bit larger than I’d intended, and it burned the roof of my mouth. “Oh shit,” I said, then took a swig of my drink to soothe the sting.

“Holy shit. You take to my chicken like you take to my cock,” Jace mocked. “You okay, man?”

I swallowed, recovering from the surprise. “Yeah, fine. Burned the goddamn roof of my mouth, but I’ll be good.”

Jace hopped up. “I’ll get you some water for that.” He poured me a glass and set it on the table beside me. As I took a sip, the cool water gave me some additional and much-needed relief.

“Just so good, I guess I couldn’t help myself,” I said.

“I know the feeling.” Jace’s gaze was right on mine, and as it drifted to my lips, I knew he was referring to when we’d first messed around.

A tuft of hair fell in a loop on his forehead, and there was something so fucking sexy about it. I figured to get us through the meal, it’d be best to change the subject to chatting about the shoot the following day—the schedule, the itinerary, the various shots we’d arranged with the photographer.

“This is an easy one, but heads up, at the same time we’re going to have someone recording footage we can splice together and run on Hacksmore’s FB page. Teasing everyone about the big launch. But the videographer will ask you a few questions too. Just be yourself, and you’ll do fine. I’m hoping that will warm you up for when we do the commercial shoots next month. Although, if your Instagram reveal is any indication, I’m not too concerned about that. The whole gimmick is that you just need to be yourself, so…”

“I’m pretty good at that,” he said, obviously not having a clue what I was talking about since he’d lived his whole goddamn life that way.

“Sometimes people get nervous and weird because they’re trying too hard, but yeah, I’m not terribly worried about that with you. Just be ready for Carter and every PA to be sitting on the sidelines, taking in the view.”

Jace inspected my plate, still with half a piece of fried chicken on it. I’d had a few pieces, but I’d cut myself off.

“You gonna finish that?” he asked.

“I think I’m good on the chicken front. Have to at least be responsible with these calories. But it was amazing.”

“So…you mind if I have it?”

I laughed.


“I’m used to models being on strict regimens before photoshoots, but go for it.”

He did just that, then pushed to his feet. “Want some ice cream? I got some Blue Bell Cookie Dough.”

“If you weren’t so goddamn likable, I’d hate your fucking guts.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“A bite. I’ll have a bite.”

He retrieved the ice cream and set two bowls with spoons in them between our chairs.

“I said a bite. Not a bowl.”

He fixed a bowl. “If you insist.”

He sat back down, taking the bowl and enjoying a bite. “Mmmm. Damn, that’s good.”

“Hey, I still want a bite.”

He dug into his ice cream and collected some in his spoon. Leaning toward me, he said, “Come and get it.”

I obeyed, and melted into the taste. “God, it’s been forever since I’ve had ice cream,” I confessed, closing my eyes to enjoy the experience.

When I opened my eyes again, Jace was leaning close to me, this cocked grin on his face. “I’ve been missing something too,” he said before grabbing the nape of my neck and drawing me in.

I didn’t resist.

I didn’t imagine Jace encountered resistance from those he reeled in.

His lips sealed against mine, and just like with the ice cream, I couldn’t truly understand how much I’d missed having his body close to mine until I had it once again.


