#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Why do I have this strange feeling you’re speaking from experience?” I asked, surprised to hear him open up like that.

He shook his head. “It’s another life away from me now. Bottom line is that the industry can be rough, and it can eat you up and swallow you alive, so when you’re considering taking the money and running, just never forget that.”

I took his words to heart. “Fair enough. But first off, that’s something most people understand about fame and fortune. We all have TVs and watch all those specials about celebrities and stars. But also, unless you’re keeping something much worse from me, it sounds like you’re being pretty damn honest.”

He snickered, but I could hear the sadness in his tone, the bitterness of a man who had seen the cycle he was referring to one too many times. “So what have your thoughts been on all this? You interested in working with this deal? I’d understand if you’re not. You said when I came out here that you weren’t interested in the limelight, and this would be that. And it would take you away from your work, which you clearly love even more than I was expecting.”

“I’ve been mulling it over since our first conversation, and I was thinking about possibly taking you up on this.”

He glared at me as though I’d said something that had not only surprised him, but offended him.

“What’s that look for?”

“I’m not exactly trying to sell you on it now, and here you are, wanting to go forward with it?”

“I’m full of surprises, Dax Munro.” I winked at him, and he smiled.


“I was already thinking about it before tonight, but when we were talking about what Crawford used to do, it ramped up my interest. I’ve always wanted to help upgrade the Fever Fight campus. They’re a nonprofit that has this rec center and different activity spaces for kids in the shelter, and they also coordinate with the local LGBTQ center. I have a couple of friends on the board, and I have this crazy image in my head of doing something to expand the rec center. That’s where I spent most of my time when I was younger. I figured we could expand it, make it more like a pimped-out YMCA. Then they could use some money for their library. It’s improved over the years, but it’d be nice if they could stock more books— Why are you looking at me like that?”

“That’s what you were thinking?”

“Well, you mentioned it was like winning the lottery, and I always said that’s what I’d do if I won the lottery. Part of me feels like maybe this is my shot to give back to this community.”

“Your whole job is giving back.”

“But this would be a different way. Something that wouldn’t just help kids today, but decades from now. Crawford would have liked that. I’d like that.” Crawford would have been proud.

Dax’s gaze was fixed on me, but he remained silent, so I added, “Well, I’d have to draw it out for you to really impress you with the idea. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, though.”

“No, clearly. It sounds nice.”

“I’m not saying I’m settled on it just yet. But giving it more thought than I was initially.”

“As much as I warned you, you won’t see me fighting you about it. This is a big break for me too. You ever heard of Freyda Inc.? I can tell by your expression you haven’t, and it’s not a big deal. They’re a rival firm, and you’re the one thing I can use to land this deal, which would put my company back on top.”

“You like being on top, do you?” I asked, and the way Dax’s lips curled upward showed he appreciated the innuendo.

“What the fuck could you know about topping, Mr. One Time in College?”

“I’ve had requests.”

“I bet you have.” His eyes narrowed as he looked me over, like something was puzzling him.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I haven’t met a lot of guys like you. You’re easy to talk to, and that’s nice.”

“You’re pretty easy to talk to as well, Dax Munro. So what would happen if I said yes today, for instance? What if I just plunged right ahead into this deal we’re talking about? What would that look like?”

He took another drink of his beer. “First things first, I’d call my assistant and tell him I told you so, since he didn’t think I’d be able to work this out. Then I’d get on the phone with Hacksmore, to whom I’d be saying I told you so without using those words…”

“Hacksmore… So that’s the name of the guy I’d be working for? I thought you said I needed to sign an NDA before you told me that.”

“I did, and we should, but I don’t know… For some reason, I have the strange feeling you wouldn’t use that information against me, and maybe I kind of wish you would to taint this nice-guy image I have of you.”


