Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“He disappeared from the front. Wait. The security camera just picked him up at the back entrance.”

“Is it locked, Little girl?” He tried to keep his voice calm as he increased his speed. His gut twisted inside as he rushed to her side. The downtown traffic and lights limited his progress, increasing his frustration and worry.

“Yes. Always. Hurry, Blade. He’s banging on the door with something. Where are the police?”

“I’m coming, Blue Eyes. Go lock yourself in the bathroom,” he ordered as he raised one arm to point to the right. Steele and Faust peeled off from the group, understanding completely Blade’s request to split into the alternative route. He’d come in through the rear parking lot.

Finally, he turned into the industrial space behind the building where deliveries happened and the employees parked. Racing to The Blue Door’s back entrance, he saw the man trying to batter his way inside. He’d never parked his bike faster in his life. Jumping from the seat, he ran forward.

“Hey! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” he bellowed to distract the thug. In the distance, sirens blared, growing in volume. He’d have to work quickly to deal with this before the police arrived. The Shadowridge Guardians’ way of dealing with anyone who threatened one of theirs was much harsher than the authorities would be.

The man whirled with a tire iron hoisted above his head. Blade didn’t hesitate. He threw a knife from his vest toward the man’s hand holding the weapon as he swung. The blade pierced his wrist, and the metal rod clattered to the ground. Without reacting to the pain, the assailant wheeled around and snatched the tire iron in his other hand. He retreated to the left of the battered door.

Blade saw the Shadowridge Guardians move into place to back him up. “You’re not going to win this,” Blade admonished him as he readied another knife. This wouldn’t end well. One of the guys would have already started videotaping to prove Blade’s restraint.

Glaring at him, the man stood silent. Not moving. Not talking. Five feet separated him from the MC.

“Blade? Is it over?”

Sapphire’s voice attracted everyone’s attention. The man moved unbelievably fast to grab Sapphire’s arm and pull her out of the doorway. He held her in front of him like a shield, making Blade’s blood boil. His wild eyes focused on Blade. He gripped Sapphire’s arm in his injured hand. The injury weakened him, but whatever fueled the aggressor also allowed him to ignore the pain.

Readying the knife he’d pulled the moment the last one had left his grip, Blade yelled, “It’s over. Stop.”

A police car squealed to a halt, and an officer leapt into action. He shouted, “Drop your weapons” before calling for backup.

Blade nodded, unwilling to take his eyes off Sapphire. The MC members reluctantly eased back. “He’s got my girl. I’m not putting away my knife until she’s free.”

“Drop it,” the cop bellowed, dismissing Blade’s reasoning.

“Ow! You’re going to break my arm. Let me go!” Sapphire protested loudly.

“Sir, release the woman. Hurting her will not help you,” the police officer yelled to the assailant.

Sapphire’s yelp of pain ended Blade’s self-control. He launched the knife in his hand, hitting the man square in his left shoulder. The brute’s arm dropped like a rock, and the metal clattered as it struck the pavement. Sapphire twisted out of his hold and ran for Blade. He hugged her and placed her behind him, already rearmed.

The police officer walked closer to the two men. “Someone tell me what’s going on here.”

“He’s been lurking around. He tried to shoplift a bunch of things from my shop. Blade warned him never to come back. This time he’s violent. Look at my door,” Sapphire told him. Her voice was high and shaky.

Blade suspected she was on the edge of tears. “Wrap your arms around me, sweetheart. I need you to hug me.”

Instantly, she encircled his chest with her hands, plastering herself to his spine. The man lurched from his position against the wall. He took one step forward and fell to the ground, twitching from the Taser deployed by the officer. Blade restored his knife he still held to its normal spot as he backed away from the now-prone man. He had extras to replace the one still lodged in the assailant’s wrist. The police would keep that one as evidence.

Three more squad cars raced into the parking area and officers rushed to help.

“You waited to let that officer overpower him,” Sapphire whispered into his ear.

“You don’t need to see me take him down. Are you okay?” he asked, turning around after seeing the perp handcuffed. Unwilling to rely only on his sight, Blade ran his hands over her. Other than blood from her attacker on her clothing and her understandable fright, Blade decided she was unharmed.


