Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“I like your people,” she told him.

“That’s good, because I enjoy having you here.” He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her onto his lap.

When she shifted to slide off his muscular thighs, he asked, “Are you uncomfortable?”

“No.” She shook her head.

“Then stay. I like holding you.”

Wild horses couldn’t have pulled her away. A hopping song and peer pressure made her join everyone on the dance floor an hour later. Sapphire discovered that kissing wasn’t the only thing Blade did well. Her mind drifted to fantasize about what else he was so skilled at, and she tripped over her own feet. Her cheeks flamed hot with embarrassment.

“Whatever that thought is, I want to hear it later,” Blade growled into her ear.

“Not going to happen, biker boy,” she sassed back.

“We’ll see about that. Slow song. Come here. I need to wrap my arms around you, Blue Eyes.”



“We don’t have to go,” she protested when all the matched couples began to gather their things.

“You need sleep, Blue Eyes. We’ll come back here again soon.”


“No buts,” he interrupted. “It’s time for Little girls to be in bed.”

“You know I usually am awake until midnight at least,” she answered, rolling her eyes.

“That stops now. Come on.”

Blade lifted her off his lap and stood to hold her hand. Falling in behind the couples leaving, he escorted her out the back door and to his bike.

Sapphire watched the other men fastening the helmets on their women. They really did take care of them. She blinked up at Blade when he fit her protective gear in place as well. She’d always handled everything herself. It was a treat to have someone making sure she was safe.

“I can’t wait to see the fuzzy ears on this,” he told her as he secured the chin strap.

“Am I going to be on your bike enough to be worth that cost?” she asked, probing for information.

“Yes, Sapphire. There will be many opportunities for you to ride with me. You enjoyed the trip here?”

“Yeah. It was fun. I like the air whizzing around me,” she told him, deliberately leaving out how much she’d loved hanging on to him.


In a few minutes, they were off. The trip back to the Guardians’ complex sizzled even more now. Holding onto his hard body was a complete turn-on. She’d had to struggle not to rub her breasts against his muscular back on the way. Was he as into her as she was to him?

When he stopped next to her car, she slid off the seat and moved back so he could throw his leg over after setting the kickstand. Capturing her gaze, he unfastened his helmet and set it on the seat. As he stalked forward, Sapphire felt a bit like prey. That reaction might have been threatening, but it wasn’t. The simmering arousal that had brewed inside her from being so close to Blade all night seemed to flare into a bonfire. She stepped forward and lifted her mouth.

Blade pressed a quick kiss to her lips before telling her, “Let’s get this helmet off so I can kiss you properly.”

He made quick work of the buckle and slid the protective gear away. Blade smoothed her hair back from her face. “You are so beautiful, Blue Eyes.”

“Show me this isn’t crazy, Blade.”

He didn’t need further encouragement. Blade drew her face to his and kissed her—slow, drugging exchanges that did funny things to her stomach. Sapphire stepped closer, pressing her body to his. She loved the feel of his steely muscles supporting her and the seductive heat that built between them. He cupped her bottom with one large hand and pulled her pelvis closer to him.

“Blade,” she moaned against his lips.

“Daddy, Blue Eyes.”

“Daddy,” she whispered, wanting to please him. It was funny what using that name did to her inside. She had fantasized for so long about having such a dominant, yet caring relationship.

The kiss that followed seared her mind with the intensity of the emotions it drew from her. When he stepped back, she clutched at his cut.

“I’m not going to make love to you for the first time in the parking lot, Sapphire. It’s time for Little girls to be in bed. I’ll follow you to your place.”

Her mind raced. Did he plan to make love to her in the parking lot later? Wait, he was coming home with her? “Will you stay?”

“Not tonight. I want you to decide to take this big step with your brain and your heart. I won’t walk away from you after you’re mine. You need to decide whether you can handle a motorcycle weaponist tomorrow and the next forty years.”

“You want to be with me for that long?” Her heart lurched in her chest at the thought that he wanted that type of commitment.

“Plus a few more decades if we’re lucky. Come on. Let’s get you in your car,” Blade told her as he wrapped an arm around her back to guide Sapphire to the driver’s door.


