Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“And if it isn’t?”

“Then that jackass will be gone. But anyone who would hurt a Little was eliminated long ago from the Shadowridge Guardians MC. They don’t exist in the club now. Left are my brothers who would lay down their lives for me or you,” Blade told her.

“Why me? Some haven’t even talked to me.”

“You’re mine. We protect what’s ours,” Blade shared.

His definite tone must have resonated inside her. He watched a stunning smile spread across her lips. Sapphire wiggled her arms out of the cover and wrapped them around his neck to pull his mouth to hers. She kissed him enthusiastically before leaning back.

“Then I’m going to stop worrying. I’ll enjoy my time here, being myself. I think I’m going to like it here,” Sapphire declared.

“That’s my good girl.” Blade rewarded her with a kiss before asking, “Want to go get some dinner?” Sapphire often missed meals if her store was too busy for her to stop and eat.

A loud growling sound came from under the blue cloth. Sapphire slapped her hand over her tummy. “I think my body answered for me.”

“Let’s go.” Blade boosted her to her feet and stood.

“Can I let Silver out of the duffel first? I don’t want him to get squished.”

“You can take him to dinner if you wish,” Blade told her as he grabbed her case from the floor just inside the doorway and plopped it on the bed.

“Take him to dinner?” Sapphire echoed. “Oh! They won’t look at me strangely here. I think Silver is hungry.”

“Then he needs some food. Let’s see if Gabriel can tempt him,” Blade suggested.

Sapphire quickly unzipped her bag and extracted the fluffy teddy bear. She hugged Silver to her chest and announced, “We’re ready.”

Blade held out a hand for hers and led her out of the door, through the dangling beads that reappeared when it was open. “Those are going to have to go away,” he grumbled.

“Could we leave them for a while, so I’ll remember which room is yours?”

“Only for you, Little girl. And because I’ll keep you with me as often as you’ll stay,” Blade told her. “Permanently would be ideal for me.”

“You don’t want me here every day,” she said, walking sideways down the hallway to watch his face.

“I’ll move you in tomorrow if you say so. I’m not planning to sleep alone again.”

“Oh. I like snuggling with you, too. Could we alternate between my apartment and the clubhouse for a while?” she asked.

“Of course. We can decide to live either place. As long as we’re together, Blue Eyes, I’m happy.”

“Sapphire, Sapphire, Sapphire.” The chanting of her name started the minute they appeared in the gathering room.

“I’m going to guess they’re glad you’re here, Little girl,” Blade told her as he rubbed her back reassuringly.

“Dinner is served,” Gabriel called, shifting everyone’s attention away from Sapphire.

Blade felt her relax and sent his MC brother a nod of appreciation. “Let’s get in line. How about if I pile one plate with food and we can both try everything?”

“Things can’t touch,” she said in horror at that idea.

He hadn’t noticed that she preferred to have her dish with each item separate. He’d have to think about the past meals they’d had together to see why he hadn’t picked up on that. For now, he had an easy solution.

“Gabriel, could I have one of the special plates? A blue one if you have it.”

“Coming right up,” Gabriel opened a cabinet under the long counter where the food was displayed and stood up with a bright blue plate that was molded to have different compartments.

“Me too, Gabriel?” Ivy asked behind her. “I don’t like it when my potatoes get fruit juice on them.”

“How about a green one to match your eyes?” Gabriel suggested.

“Thank you. That’s perfect!” Ivy declared.

Blade offered Sapphire a roll with the tongs, and she pointed to one of the spaces. As they progressed down the display of food, he helped her with some things, and she wanted to serve herself with others. By the time they got close to the end, he noticed she had passed on all the green options. The last dish was a tempting platter of raw vegetables and dip.

“You need some veggies, Sapphire. Do you like baby carrots?” he offered her.

“Too orange,” she answered.


“Too green.”


Sapphire sighed and said, “Only the red ones.”

He put three slices on her plate and pointed at the broccoli.

“Too fuzzy. I’ll take a piece of cauliflower. But just one,” she said quickly.

“Do you want dip?”

“I don’t have a place for it,” she refused.

As if by magic, a small shot glass appeared on her tray. Blade winked at Gabriel. That guy was a pro.

“That will work. Can you put some in for me, Daddy?” Sapphire asked and gasped. She looked around to see if anyone had caught what she’d said. Blade winked at her as he celebrated inside. He was beyond happy that she thought of him as her Daddy.


