Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Soon, sleep tugged at the corners of my consciousness.

I drifted off to sleep, cocooned in Lei’s embrace, and I knew I was safe.

Chapter twenty-four

Meatball Gate


True to Lei’s prediction, Chen’s impatient knocking on our door echoed through the room well before dawn.

Lei groaned in utter annoyance.

Yawning, I dragged myself from the comfort of his arms and rolled over. A sense of disorientation lingered as I grappled with the harsh intrusion of reality.

The knocking continued.

Then, Chen’s irritatingly chipper voice sounded on the other side. “You know the proverb, Lei. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Lei rubbed his eyes. “I’m probably going to break his legs before the day is over.”

Chen knocked again. “Up. Up. Up.”

I yawned again. “I may help you.”

Lei yelled, “Come in!”

The lock jiggled.

Next, Chen burst into the room, holding two cups of coffee and a blue leather bag. “Good morning, my friends!”

Lei sat up in bed. “Give me the coffee.”

“Unfortunately, these cups are not for you.” Chen wagged his finger at Lei. “You know the rules. No caffeine while training.”

“Yeah. Yeah.” Lei rose from the bed, showing off an impressive erection that pressed against his pajama pants.

Yeah. . .it’s pretty damn big.

Disrupting my thoughts, Chen walked over and handed me a cup of coffee. “Hello, Monique.”

“Hi and thanks.”

Chen beamed with pride. “I see that you are not in handcuffs. I would say this is serious progress.”

“Thanks for reminding me.” Lei grabbed the diamond handcuffs off the nightstand.

Chen scowled. “You cannot train while handcuffed to Monique.”

The handcuffs dangled in Lei’s hands. “We still have to get to the Mount Utopia. I can have them on her during the ride to—”

“Correction.” Chen took a sip of his coffee. “Yummy. This coffee is really good.”

Lei grumbled. “Correction?”

Chen lovingly gazed at the cup of coffee and smiled. “Oh yes. You will be working out in a van with Hu and me, while Monique rides in one of the SUV’s with Duck.”

I turned Lei’s way.

Rage blazed in his eyes as his nostrils flared. “Excuse me?”

“We cannot spare any minute. We are now rapidly counting down to your battle with Uncle Leo. Now it is seven days.” Chen headed over to Lei’s side. “Even in the confined space of the back of a van, there’s still a good range of exercises you can do to stay limber and activated on the way to Mount Utopia.”

“What the hell am I going to do in the back of the van?”

“Neck stretches, shoulder rolls, arm circles, seated twists, core engagement, leg extensions, grip strength—”

“I got it.” Lei glared. “Regardless, Monique can be in the van with us as I—”

“No, she cannot. Remember, the key here is maintaining a range of movement and flexibility in the tight space, while keeping the blood flowing and the muscles warm. Once the van hits Mount Utopia, you are fighting for the rest of the day.”

Lei held out his hands. “What does that have to do with Monique being inside of the van with us?”

Chen pointed to Lei’s erection.

Frowning, Lei gazed down, widened his eyes, and folded his hands in front of the big bulge. “That is a. . .typical morning happening.”

Chen rolled his eyes. “Have you forgotten that I wake you up every morning? This is not typical.”

My cheeks flushed.

“We need you focused.” Chen shook his head and sipped his coffee. “We leave in five minutes. Wash up, Mountain Master.”

Grumbling, Lei threw the handcuffs on the bed, grabbed the blue leather bag from Chen, and stormed to the bathroom. “There’s no need for Duck to escort Monique in the SUV. Find a new person.”

Chen took another sip of coffee. “So you want me to pick someone Monique isn’t comfortable with to take a long ride up to the mountain by herself? I think that would be a rather disappointing drive, especially since she had quite a day yesterday. Are we considering her needs, Mountain Master?”

Riding with Duck would be better, but I won’t fight it.

“Fine.” Lei groaned in annoyance and slammed the bathroom door behind him.

Chen turned to me. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did.”

“Are you nervous?”

“Everything is happening so fast I don’t know what to be.” Still holding my coffee, I rose from bed.

Chen frowned. “I apologize for our kidnapping you. I plan to solve this situation soon.”

“I don’t see myself as being kidnapped, Chen.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I am. I want to help Lei.”


I raised the cup to my lips and sampled the coffee. The sweet creamy liquid slipped down my tongue.

This really is tasty.

“By the way, this is a good time to have a much needed conversation.” Chen lowered his voice. “Duck is my brother.”

I swallowed and looked at him. “O-kay.”

“I am convinced that Duck may be growing feelings for you. In any other time, that would be no problem.”

I lowered the cup.


