Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Aunt Suzi blinked. “Lei, do you really think it is necessary to have us leave this beautiful town? The best time to visit Glory is in the Fall when the leaves. . .fall around and . . .everything. I brought my camera and. . .I want to be like the kids these days, and blog. . .or vlog. . .one of those things I will be doing—”

“By the time I wake up, you both will be gone.” I glared. “Do you understand?”

Aunt Suzi placed her hands on the table and threaded her fingers together. “I heard news that your big sister, Yan has gotten on her plane with her men and tons of weapons.”

I studied them. “And I wonder who may have called and told Yan what was going on?”

Aunt Min shook her head. “Regardless, your sister surely will be in Glory by tomorrow evening, ready to fight against you and protect Leo.”

“She was always a daddy’s girl. Who will deal with her if we are gone?” Aunt Suzi glanced at me and then Chen. “I believe we are rather excellent at handling your sister.”

“You will leave in the morning or I will shut down all your bank accounts and credit cards.”

Aunt Min huffed.

Aunt Suzi picked up her wine and sipped.

I placed my view back on Monique.

Duck and she were deeply engrossed in some conversation. A bubble of joy surrounded them.

The staff began placing platters around them.

Duck talked to her at length about something.

I could see the sparkle in her eyes, the flush on her cheeks, the way she leaned in closer to him as he spoke. It was all innocent enough, but the sight tugged at my heart, a discomforting pang that morphed into a sinking feeling of jealousy.

I gritted my teeth. “Chen.”


“What is Duck saying to Monique?”

Chen eyed them. “Is this necessary? He appears to be on his best behavior.”

In that moment, Duck picked up his chopsticks, grabbed two meatballs, and said something again.

Monique chuckled.

I frowned. “What did Duck say?”

“He is joking around with her.”

“But what did he say?”

Chen rubbed his forehead. “Duck said ‘Can I put my balls in your mouth?’”

I gripped the edge of the table.

Chen kept his voice low. “Duck still feels responsible for Monique almost jumping off the roof. I am sure my brother wants to make her laugh this evening.”

I watched as Duck whispered something into Monique’ ear, causing her to throw her head back in laughter.

Bile rose in my throat. “What did he say this time?”

“I couldn’t tell.”

“Why not?”

Chen sighed. “Because his mouth was too close to her ear.”

Rage bubbled within me.

Beaming with wicked pride, Duck ate the balls.

Aunt Min spoke, “Okay, Lei. We will leave, but. . .you should not have to do this on your own. This is too much for your shoulders to carry.”

I continued to watch Duck as he picked up another ball.

Monique grinned.

Duck spoke.

She parted her lips.

I gritted my teeth. “What’s going on now?”

Chen cleared his throat. “Duck asked her to open her mouth.”

“What?” I leaned forward.

My gaze was fixated on the chopsticks as they moved the meatball closer to her parted lips.


Chen covered his eyes with one hand as if not wanting to see an inevitable car accident.

Soon, Duck placed the meatball in her mouth.

Has everyone lost their fucking minds today?

I caught the wickedness in Duck’s gaze as he watched her eat it.

Something snapped within me.

Fast, I rose.

The movement caught everyone off guard. Laughter and conversation was abruptly replaced by a stunned silence. They all hurried to their feet and bowed their heads, including Monique and Duck.

Utterly confused, the band scattered to pick up their instruments and started screeching out my stupid theme song.

I pointed at the band and shook my head.

One by one the musicians stopped.

Enraged, I scowled at Duck and Monique.

Standing also, Chen leaned my way. “Calm down. It was all innocent. Do not make a scene. He is your second favorite cousin after me.”

It wasn’t logical for me to feel this burning, rageful unease. Perhaps, it was stress or lack of sleep.

I didn’t care to figure it out. Instead, I left my throne.

Chen tried to follow.

“Not now. Entertain everyone in my absence.” Taking out the diamond handcuffs, I prowled away, rounded the corner, and continued down the length of the table.

My men trailed behind me.

When I made it to Monique, I stopped behind her, drank in the sight of her round ass, and licked my lips. “Let’s go.”

She kept her head bowed and whispered, “Me?”

“Yes. You.”

She didn’t move her head. “Should I. . .do a special curtsy when I leave or just turn around and go with you?”

I thought she was joking around but she appeared serious. “What?”

“I’m trying to follow your traditions.”

“Just come with me.”

“Oh.” She smiled and whispered, “Bye, Duck.”

I frowned.

Duck remained silent.

She turned around and took one step toward me.

Before she could take the next step, I clanked the cuff on her wrist.


