Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

She started to pant, moving against him, chasing a climax. Zane reached back and grabbed her ankles to detach her from his waist, then immediately hauled her jeans and panties down together and moved down, parting her thighs as he went for her pussy with his mouth. Three strokes of his tongue against her clit with one finger barely inside that tight, silky cunt and she exploded like a supernova, a deep and throaty moan and then quick, panting “Ah, ah, ah! Ohhhhhh.” And then she flopped and went lax. Zane went at her, needing more. In a half a minute, he had her legs shaking, as she gasped and pulled on his hair. After another shudder from her, he kissed his way back up to her mouth and she attacked his mouth with hers and tried to flip him to his back. She didn’t have the strength to accomplish this, but he went along and rolled.

Her hand slid up the ridge of his hard cock through his trousers and she squeezed. Zane thrust his hips forward against her. She fumbled with his fly.

“Stop,” he said, catching her wrist and then gripping her hand in his. He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. “Tanya…”

She looked up at him. Their eyes locked.

Fuck, she was beautiful with her hair a mess, her lips swollen, and that dewy-eyed and glowing look of utter satisfaction on her face.

“Just… I’d rather you didn’t.” He pulled her close and kissed her temple. Damn, stopping her had been no easy task. He wanted to rip his clothes off and bury himself inside her, get lost in that tight heat, make her his. For real.

Her head fell to his chest and he wrapped both arms tight around her.

“You are fucking gorgeous when you come, Tanya,” he said into her hair and kissed her forehead, then rubbed his hand up and down her back. He reached for her blouse and then maneuvered it over her head, “but baby…”

She sat up and pushed her arms through the holes, but then covered her face with both hands and her shoulders began shaking.

Zane frowned and reached for her. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and tried to pull away.


She refused to look at him. He put his hands to either side of her jaw and gently made her look at him.

“What is it, shortcake? Do you regret allowing me to do that?”

She shook her head and mumbled, “Why did we stop?” through her fingers.

He stared thoughtfully at her, trying to find the right words. “Tanya,” he groaned. “Fuck.”

She spoke brokenly from behind her fingers. “You… you know your son’ll be here in the morning and we won’t have any alone time tomorrow, and I’ve already been here a day and a half.”

He regarded her curiously and was about to request that she explain all that to him.

She reached for her wine and downed the rest of the half a glass.

“Tanya, I have a son. These decisions are permanent with our new laws, and ---”

“It’s okay. I get it. Permanent. Where should I sleep tonight? I’m really really tired.”

“You can sleep in my bed. But, shortcake…”

“I don’t want you to sleep on the floor again. That’s not fair, so…”

“I’ll sleep beside you. If that’s okay. I’ll be a---”

“Gentleman. Yeah. Right. Whatever.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes, with her lip trembling. “Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna check on Chili and get ready for bed.”

She got up and put her underwear on and carried her pants, heading inside, head down, shoulders slumped, as if she was horrified.

Zane watched her walk away, feeling very confused.



What made him change his mind? Why would he touch me that way and make my body react like that and then not let me reciprocate?

I was way too drunk; I knew that much.

I was a little mortified about acting like I had with him. First, coming onto him and then making all those noises while he did those things to me, and then… getting rejected after he made me feel like that. Those sensations he’d accomplished? Never could I have imagined it’d be that good.

Was he going to make me wait until the last minute or was he unsure if he wanted to take things all the way because of how permanent it’d be?

I grabbed Chili’s little carrying case from the big family room and carried it down the hall to Zane’s bedroom. I set it down on the concave sofa at the foot of the bed and then I went into the bathroom and surprisingly found an icon with my face on it. I touched it and saw all sorts of tiles of clothing images below the pair of pajamas that was at the very top. The pajamas I’d worn the night before. I selected those and then told the computer to send out a toothbrush and soap. I didn’t know what many of the icons were for, but it looked like a fairly vast selection of clothing and other things. I didn’t have time, nor the heart to look through them, and then I started to get double-vision, so I managed to give the command to make my selection and waited the few seconds it took for several tiles to slide away and reveal perfectly folded bronze pajamas and the toiletries I asked for.


