The Rancher’s Vengeful Heart – Billionaires of Evergreen Texas Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)

His large, strong hands cupping her face—-

Her own smaller hands running over the hard expanse of his chest—-

His big, hard body pressing hers against the wall as he—-


Tassy seriously wondered if she had lost her mind.

Billionaire or not, the insanely confounding six-foot-five threat that was Lucius Young had to go. His presence was too overwhelming and disturbing in this quiet space, too dangerously tempting for her peace of mind.

Be polite but firm, Tassy reminded herself as she took a deep breath. She also smoothed imaginary wrinkles from her dress in a futile attempt to distract herself, but this only backfired horribly as warmth pooled in her belly at the thought that maybe...

Maybe there would come a time when it would be his hand under her dress—-


It was as if having from zero to infinite thoughts of Lucius Young had fried her brain cells out of order, and she had become hypersensitive to just about everything because there was no longer a rational mind capable of governing the reactions of her body.

The way her cotton dress was clinging against her skin was suddenly like a premonition of his caress, and having him seated so near had her throat so dry that she had to lick her lips, and...why did she suddenly feel like he was staring at her?

Her bemused gaze flew to his, and oh!

Lucius was staring at her.

And when her lips parted in shock, his gaze slowly lifted to hers, and oh no.

The chemistry between them...

It was chemistrying.


Chapter Two

CYNICISM HAD LUCIUS bracing himself for the worst as soon as he was seated next to his mystery lady.

One thing that only his siblings knew about him was how his taste in women could be described as old-fashioned. He preferred to do the wooing than the other way around. He appreciated a woman who had her own mind, certainly, but being opinionated and shallow was different from being intelligent and smart.

Lucius had lost count of the number of times a woman who looked good on paper had turned him off within five minutes in her company. A part of him was prepared for the same thing to happen now. But it did not.

Over a minute had already passed, and most women would have started chatting him up by now. His mystery lady, however, had yet to even look his way...and it had Lucius wanting her even more.

Her short dark hair fell only an inch or two past her chin, and the sight had him realizing how all of the women he previously dated had long coincidence.

Because the longer he looked at his mystery lady, the more he also realized how much he liked her short hair. The way it revealed the elegant length of her neck was a visual pleasure in itself, and an unexpected jolt of desire shot through his belly as Lucius imagined himself branding the sensitive skin of her neck with his mouth.

How he wanted this woman, to the point that his years of unplanned celibacy seemed all but natural. It was as if his body had known what his mind had not yet realized, and it was why his body had rejected all others. A part of him had been waiting for her all this time, and now that she was finally in his sight...

Lucius leaned forward slightly, this time holding nothing back as he stared at her. The heat of his gaze did its job in just a couple of seconds, with his mystery girl turning to him, and her lips parting in shock as she glimpsed the desire in his eyes.

"My apologies." Lucius found himself playing the wolf in sheep's clothing for the first time in his life. "Have I bothered you?"

Tassy felt as if she had stepped in an alternate universe, and in this new world, everything she knew stopped making sense.

People often described Lucius Young as cold and aloof, and these were already the "good" things that people who actually liked him had to say.

His business rivals, however...

Ruthless. Cold-blooded. Vicious.

And yet the Lucius in front of her seemed so...nice that even though she did find his presence intensely disturbing, she actually heard herself say, "No, Mr. Young."

The billionaire raised a brow, and too late she realized she had inadvertently admitted to knowing who he was.


Lucius gazed at his mystery girl thoughtfully. So she knew who he was, apparently, but she still hadn't attempted to engage his attention in any way. Was it her way of being coy?

"It seems you have me at a disadvantage..."

"I heard you speak once," Tassy felt the need to explain, "when I was still in university."

His lips curved. "And you still remembered?"

Tassy was mortified when he realized what he was hinting at. I can't believe this is happening. She was usually so, so much more composed than this. It was one of the major reasons why Xylan had even broken up with her in the first place. So why, dear God? Why had she ended up practically admitting that the billionaire had made such a huge impression on her at first sight?


