The Rancher’s Vengeful Heart – Billionaires of Evergreen Texas Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)

She lied to him. Now he'll make her pay.

Tassy never believed billionaire rancher Lucius Young would choose her over every woman in San Antonio. So she played the part of his worst demanding, possessive, clingy.
But instead of running, the sinfully hot tycoon only smirked...before turning the tables. He matched her game---more demanding, more possessive---and refused to let her out of his arms, much less his sight.
His forceful passion shattered her defenses, and his sweet obsession stole her heart. When he whispered forever against her skin, Tassy believed him...until secrets from the past tore them apart.
Now, Lucius despises the very sight of her...and no amount of begging will quench his thirst for vengeance

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************


WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND would announce he wanted to break up just as his girlfriend received a promotion?

Her boyfriend, that's who.

Xylan was now staring at her with a mixture of guilt and horror while everyone else in the gleaming glass-walled conference room pretended they hadn't heard anything.

Every second that passed felt like a ticking bomb. The heater was on, and she had her trusty cream cardigan over her knitted sweater. So why did Tassy feel like she was about to freeze to death?

Words completely failed her, but one thing Tassy was absolutely certain of—-she shouldn't waste other people's time.

As she rose to her feet, a smile somehow found its way to her lips. Her ankle-length floral skirt swished softly against her boots as she moved.

Keep it steady.

Don't walk too slow or fast.

Her dark bangs fell across her eyes, and Tassy fought against the urge to tuck them back. Anything that hid her gaze from the world right now was good. Face-saving good, in fact.

Just take it one step at a time.

That had always kept her going, every time Tassy felt there was no one to turn to.

One step at a time.

The pity in everyone's gazes burned, and for once, Tassy wished she wore her hair long so she could hide behind it.

She was this close to wishing she could melt off the face of the earth. But since Tassy knew just enough about God to believe things would get better in time, she forced herself to focus on what she could control.

One step at a time, Tas.

Left foot forward.

Right foot next.

Platitudes came to Tassy's rescue as she reached the VP of Product Development—-the boss of her boss's boss. "Thank you so much." Her voice came out steady, with just the tiniest squeak at the end. "I honestly have no words. This promotion wouldn't have been possible without so many people supporting me."

Samantha squeezed her hand. "You deserve this, dear." Their department VP was in her mid-fifties, her grayish hair even shorter than Tassy's. She had been with Black Carpet International since it first opened its doors, one of the company's pillars of strength for three decades.

"But wait, there's more."

The words helped defuse the tension, and everyone laughed—the sound tinged with unmistakable relief.

The older woman presented Tassy with a sealed envelope. "Inside are the details of your first assignment, but you could say it's also a reward since it's for Foxtown's invite-only media conference for their Valentine campaign. The company will be shouldering all traveling expenses for you and your...oh, shit."

The discomfort inside the room skyrocketed, and Tassy mouthed, 'It's okay' when she saw the aghast expression on the VP's face. Not even the pandemic had thrown Samantha off her game like this. Handling simultaneous promotions and breakups was obviously new territory, even for her. Tassy mustered another smile to keep the situation from spiraling further.

"This is such an amazing gift, Samantha. It's always been my dream to visit Foxtown. I really can't thank you enough."

The words gave her superior enough time to recover. Samantha's smile no longer seemed forced as she turned to face the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, the newest manager in our department, Tassy Bautista."

Clap, clap, clap.

The junior associates and her colleagues rushed forward, and Tassy eagerly allowed herself to be swept away by their enthusiasm.

I knew you could do it, Tas!

Youngest to make manager!

Way to go!

By the time Tassy moved to shake hands with her superiors, her smile felt more natural, and the awkwardness in the conference room had lessened.

Maybe from 110% awkward, it was now 109.9?

Or wait, maybe 109.8, since she didn't want her first post-breakup day marked with negativity. She refused to be known as the girl who couldn't handle breakups, and oh God, was this truly happening?

It was just yesterday—-yesterday!—-when Tassy told Stella she would start taking her faith seriously. And now this?

Would God think she was ungrateful if she wished she wasn't the one being promoted?

Because maybe, if it was someone else, she and her boyfriend since college would still be together?

"I'm sorry, Tas..."

Xylan stood before her now, everyone in their department having filed out without being asked. Sweet of them, really, but Tassy suspected it was also because they couldn't bear to watch what came next.

Xylan's Rolex caught the morning light as he ran a hand through his perfectly styled dark hair. That was new, Tassy observed absently. It had always been his dream to own a Rolex, and despite everything, she was happy to see him finally wearing one.

"There was obviously a better place and time to do this, but I just couldn't hold it any longer."

Tassy only nodded...even though part of her was dying to ask: Really, Xy? You couldn't wait just a few minutes longer? Really?

"And what happened afterward..." Xylan's jaw clenched as he loosened his Italian silk tie in a fit of restlessness.


