The Rancher’s Vengeful Heart – Billionaires of Evergreen Texas Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)

She looked at him helplessly. "You d-don't. You c-couldn't have been. Because don't you see?" she whispered painfully. "If you r-really l-loved me, you wouldn't keep having c-cold feet. So please...let's just end this."

Lucius couldn't remember feeling this hollowed out. His wife was right in front of him, her delicate features ravaged by the pain he had caused her...but Tassy was looking at him as if she could no longer see him.

"Don't do this. Please." He had never begged in his entire life. But he would beg for all eternity if that was what it took to have her take him back. "Don't give up on me."

Her only response was silence, and Lucius grabbed her shoulders, terror gnawing at his heart. Why did it feel like she was about to disappear any second?

"I love you," he gritted out. "Do you hear me? I love—-"

"If you really did," Tassy said jerkily, "then you c-could never..."

His wife's voice broke, and Lucius' own heart shattered because he knew exactly what she was thinking.

And it was him with Fontana...on the same night he had broken her heart.

"Nothing happened between us—"

"I don't care—"

"Don't fucking say that. I hurt you—"

"I've forgiven you—"

"I'd rather you hate me instead," he snarled savagely, "if forgiving me means you're also choosing to cut me out—"

"I have no choice," Tassy choked out. "Can't you see I h-have no choice? I'm so tired of crying, Lucius. I don't think I can bear hurting like this—"

"Then take me back," he urged.

"I can't."

Lucius could already feel his wife slipping farther and farther away from him, and torment like he had never experienced before threatened to devour him from within. "Ask me anything, Tassina—-" Lucius struggled to keep his voice steady. "Ask me anything, and I'll do it."

Hearing the anguish in Lucius' voice hurt, but there was nothing she could do. "I d-don't need—-"

"Don't fucking say that."

Tassy's chest felt as if it was to explode in pain. It hurt, oh God. It hurt so, so bad to hear Lucius so frantic. But all she could do was shake her head, her loose hair now framing her tear-streaked face. "I'm s-sorry—-"

"Stop acting like we're over," he bit out.

"I'm sorry—-"

Lucius couldn't stop himself from shaking her. "Listen to me. I'm begging you. Just please fucking listen to me." This time, it was his own voice that broke. "Please."

And his voice that was now hoarse and ragged as he realized that maybe he really was too late.

"I love you."

Maybe he had lost her for good—

"I love you, Tassina."

And the possibility had Lucius crashing down on his knees.

Tassy's world started to spin out of control. Lucius...was on his knees. How could a man so proud be on his knees? And the bleakness in his eyes, oh God...

"Please just tell me what to do, I'm begging you."

Tears rushed down her cheeks. "L-Lucius, please—-"

"Nothing happened between Fontana and me," Lucius went on doggedly. "I have footage of the time we spent in the restaurant on my phone. I just...I just wanted to hurt you—-"

"You d-don't have to explain—"

Lucius looked up, and she could no longer speak, the devastation in his copper eyes tearing her apart. "What else can I do but explain?"

"There's n-nothing for you to explain—"

"Then can I bribe you?"

She almost laughed despite everything...until she realized he was dead serious.

"I'll give you everything I own—"

"I d-don't want your money—"

"Then what else can I give?" Lucius asked hollowly.

Tassy could no longer bear hearing another word, and especially not in a tone that seemed almost devoid of life. But when she tried covering her ears, Lucius immediately captured her hands in an inescapable grip as he demanded, "Do you want my heart on a platter?"


He stared at her like a man on death row, and she was his only hope.

No, God. No.

"Ask anything of me, Tassina. Any—"

"I don't want anything," she cried out, "so p-please stop!" Why wouldn't he stop? Why, oh God? Why? "Please just let me go—"

"Have you stopped loving me?" The bleakness in his gaze had bled into his voice, and the sound threatened to break her heart into pieces.

All she could do was stare at him as she cried, unable to believe that the powerful man she had married was still looking and talking to her like she was his reason for living.

Lucius swallowed hard as he forced himself to say the words. "Have you...have you realized you still love Tatum?"

Oh God.

Tassy couldn't believe someone as proud as Lucius could even ask this. His usual arrogance had been stripped away completely, leaving him raw and exposed before her.

"Is that it?"

His wife's silence was like someone twisting a knife inside of his heart. Every second that passed was visible in the tightening of his features, the whitening of his knuckles.

Lucius squeezed his eyes shut, long dark lashes fanning against his cheeks. "I can't share you, Tassina. But I'm willing to wait. Also...Marius bought this company, and then I bought it from him. Technically, I'm your boss now, and you should know that I'll have Xylan transferred as far away from you as possible."


