Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)
To call or not to call?
That is—-eep!
Tassy accidentally dropped her phone when it suddenly buzzed in her hold, and the loud thud had everyone turning her way.
She was about to apologize to everyone when the message on her phone caught her eye.
Oh no.
Blaise was from their local police department, and he had attended the same high school as Tassy and Stella. Blaise would only contact her for one reason, and his message confirmed her worst fears.
Can you get Stella to see a doctor?
Her face paled, and Tassy grabbed her things in a hurry, her mind so focused on what she should text Stella that she didn't even notice her ex-boyfriend arriving at the office, having just returned from his client meeting with the owner of one of San Antonio's hottest new restaurants.
Tassy didn't notice the way her coworkers' heads swiveled between her and Xylan like spectators at a tennis match, their expressions a mixture of curiosity, pity, and secondhand embarrassment. As she turned her back on the office and frantically jabbed at the elevator button to head down to the clinic, she also missed how Xylan theatrically lifted his shoulders in an exaggerated shrug, his Rolex glinting under the recessed lighting as he spread his hands in a "what can you do?" gesture.
Tassy hit Send on her message just as she reached the self-service clinic next to the bank of elevators in the lobby. The small medical facility was one of the amenities provided for all building tenants, and Tassy sighed in relief when she saw that the clinic was empty.
If there was something Stella hated more than being fussed at, it was to have other people see—-
"Can we talk?"
The familiar voice had her turning in surprise, and she could only blink at the sight of Xylan standing by the doorway and poised like he was getting ready for a photo shoot for Playgirl.
Xylan stepped forward, and when Tassy stepped back without thinking, a look of sadness crossed her ex-boyfriend's features.
"I'm sorry, Tas. I didn't realize it's gotten this bad."
"What's gotten bad?" she asked blankly.
"You don't have to pretend. We both know there's only one reason you're here. You miss me. You still love me. But since I'm no longer yours, you feel like life isn't worth living anymore, and you need anti-depressants to get you going."
Tassy was at a loss for words. Had Xylan always been like this? How could she never have noticed this side of him before?
"I can help you. I want to help you. But you need to help me in return. We can still be together, but we can't let Fontana know."
Was he really saying what she thought he was saying?
Xylan moved forward. "I've missed you, too, Tas. And maybe, if you give yourself to me this time, maybe I'll break up with her, and we can be together again. But you gotta prove yourself to me first."
Tassy had heard the same time Xylan seemed to have misinterpreted her silence as assent. He suddenly yanked her close, and he only laughed when she immediately started to struggle.
"You're only making me want you more when you—-"
Tassy finally managed to shove him off. "I want nothing to do with you!"
Xylan shot her a look of impatience. "Stop lying—-" The sound of the glass door swinging open behind them cut him off, and a shudder of relief rocked Tassy's body when she saw who it was.
Oh, thank God!
Stella took one look at her friend's pale face and Xylan's flushed features and immediately went to Tassy's side. "I think it's time for you to go, Xylan."
"Fuck you," Xylan spat. "Who the hell do you think you are? You're only good enough to clean fucking toilets—-"
"Stop it, Xylan!" Tassy forgot her own discomfort at the vitriol of her ex-boyfriend's words and pointed to the door. "Please just go. Or I'll report you to HR for harassment."
"And you think they're going to believe you over me?" Xylan jeered. "The whole company thinks you're a loser, Tas. You should've counted yourself lucky that I was willing to spare you a few minutes of my time."
"The only thing I know is that I'm an idiot," Tassy said shakily, "for not seeing who you really are—-"
"Who I really am," Xylan hissed in interruption, "is someone you don't fucking deserve." He angrily jabbed a finger at her, sneering, "You'll regret this, Tas. You'll realize someday you should've taken me up on my offer. But by then it will be too late. I'll only take you back if you come crawling on your knees and begging to have my cock in your mouth."
Xylan stalked out of the clinic, and both Tassy and Stella involuntarily jerked as he slammed the door shut behind him with enough force to have the walls shaking.
Tassy turned to Stella as soon as she recovered from her shock. "I'm so sorry, Stel." Shame engulfed her as memories of Xylan's cruel words taunted her mind. "I never thought...I never knew he was like that. I felt like I was blind all these years—-" The rest of her words died when Stella tilted her face. The angle had the clinic's bright white lights shine mercilessly down on her skin, which consequently exposed the cut on her cheek that Stella had obviously done her best to hide behind a thick layer of concealer.