The Phantom – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“Only if you’re good,” she retorted. “Look. I’m as baffled by this as you are, but here it is. The truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth. I can’t have two consorts, but something is definitely happening between us. And despite everything, a part of me is genuinely rooting for you on this one, Astra, it really is.” She threw her legs over the side of the bed and rose to pad to the closet. “I might not like you, but dang, I do want you.”

No more hinting. She’d just issued a bold statement. Roux sat up in a rush. “How badly?” He must know!

“Dude. Keep it down before we’re ambushed by the horndogs. Geez.” She riffled through the clothing selection, choosing the standard leather top and pleated skirt. “I think we can both admit we’re attracted to each other, but there are obstacles in our path. Namely, if I allow myself to rock your world, I’m not sure I can ever overcome my guilt and shame.”

A terse silence stretched before he softly asked, “You think I feel no guilt for what I took from you and your child—what I took from him?”

Peering at the floor, she chewed on her bottom lip. For a moment, she radiated nothing but tender vulnerability, and it shocked a growl from him. That growl acted as a cattle prod. She leaped back into pure harpy mode and anchored her hands on her hips.

“You know what? I just realized the gal who calls you Mr. Sausage Man has shown you more romance than I ever have,” she said. “That isn’t fair to you, now, is it?”

He eagerly shook his head. “It isn’t. Will you give me some?”

“I think I just might. My Astra deserves a preview of what I have to offer.”

Her Astra? He gulped. His heart raced. Was she about to make him suffer in the most amazing way...?

With the world’s most seductive smile, she reached for the straps of her top. Oh, yes. She was. She stripped for him. Slowly.

His jaw slackened. He blinked. Scrubbed a palm over his face. Refocused. Licked his lips. Fisted the bedsheet with one hand and stroked himself with the other before realizing his actions. Seeing her fully unclothed...

Descriptions rushed through his mind, one after the other. Perfect. Flawless. Incomparable. Breasts. Nipples. Stunning. Gorgeous. Exquisite. Navel. Beautiful. Breathtaking. Tantalizing. Mine.

“Do you approve of my version of romance, Rue?” she simpered at him. Flirted with him. This wasn’t a punishment but a game.

He couldn’t look away. Could only croak, “Yes.”

“Good.” To his consternation, she began to dress. “Don’t worry, babe.” She anchored her boots in place, then strapped on multiple blades. Each weapon belonged to him, and oh, did he enjoy seeing her don his things. “If I decide to give you a go, I promise I’ll make your first time beyond story worthy so you can brag to all your Astra buddies.”

He heard the teasing note in her voice, but he knew. This wasn’t a game, either. She’d called him babe. Babe. As if she bore a slither of affection for him.

This was a full-on seduction, and he never wanted it to end. “You will give me a go.” No other outcome was acceptable.

She flashed a smile, causing his heart to stutter. “Are you worried about the outcome of today’s battle?”

“Lyla.” He couldn’t keep the chide from his tone. “Nine stars decorate your wrist. You are one task away from ruling the entire population of harpies. Yesterday, you shot a siren in the mouth and the throat simultaneously after dispatching every opponent who challenged you with a viciousness not even the Astra have displayed. Entertaining worries concerning your ability to protect yourself would be a waste of my time and energy.”

All hint of teasing faded from her, and for a long while, she simply stared at him with wide, vulnerable blue eyes, as if trying to figure him out. “I...thank you. That means a lot.”

She reveled in his confidence? Will remind her every day!

“Well.” She cleared her throat. “You should probably change into something that hides your newest tent. I’ve got immortals to slay and some thinking to do.”

Not grabbing her and throwing her back on the bed proved difficult. The most difficult task of his life. Somehow he managed it, merely standing and adjusting his hard-on through his leathers.

“Anything I can do to help you think faster?” he asked, stuffing an array of armaments into his backpack and handing the pack to her. Ensuring her safety had never been so important.

“Just sit in the stands and look pretty without distracting me with your smolder. Imma bring home the big V.” She hooked the bag over her shoulder and winked at him. “Maybe in more ways than one.”

* * *

Blythe carted her borrowed backpack to the arena. She flashed into the crowded stands to take a seat alongside the other combatants. All six hundred and twenty-eight others, to be exact. Everyone else had beaten her here, including Lucca and the Phoenix. Why? What did they know that she didn’t?


