The Phantom – Rise of the Warlords Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110080 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“I want... I need... I crave...” The words left her between panting breaths. Specks of black dotted her irises, glittering bright and brighter, as if her phantom and harpy warred for rights to answer him.

Unable to wait a nanosecond more, he stole her next words with a kiss and rolled on top of her, pinning her with his weight. Pinning her wings, too, which wasn’t something harpies usually allowed. But she didn’t protest. Instead, she moaned and spread her legs, creating a cradle for him. Yes! Need drowned out everything else inside his head, consuming him in an instant.

Her lush breasts drew his palms like magnets. He kneaded her through her shirt, nearly losing his mind as she arched her spine, seeking greater contact. His inhalations roughened. Thoughts fragmented. More, more, more. He tracked a hand down her belly and did something essential to his sanity: he tunneled his fingers under her panties and plunged one inside her.

His eyes flared wide. She hungers for me. Greatly. He’d heard talk of such a tantalizing reaction from one’s female, but he’d never cared. Until now. He very much cared. Will experience this every day for the rest of eternity.

As he teased her, and himself, working the digit in and out, learning what she liked best, they both released a series of ragged cries.

“Lyla. My Lyla.”

“Roux,” she gasped.

They locked gazes like so many times before. This time, something was different. There was a deeper connection. An undeniable awareness—they knew exactly what they were doing, and they weren’t ready for it to end.

“Never take this from me,” he commanded.

All sultry indulgence, she slithered against him. “Does the Warden like his new toy?”

“The Warden loves his new toy.”

“Does he love—” She went still. Her air of sensuality evaporated. A second later, she pulled her gaze from his, razing his fantasies of the impending pleasure. Dread infiltrated his excitement. He braced for a torrent of staggering disappointment. He knew what was coming—and it wasn’t him.

“My consort loved me,” she told him softly. Flatly. “You do not.”

Anger scraped the center of his chest. “You mean your first consort, yes?”

Absolutely the wrong thing to say. Again.

“Okay, I’m done,” she snapped. “I don’t have two consorts. I can’t. And you should know I wasn’t sleeping earlier. I was resting my eyelids. There’s a difference.”

“You were sleeping, Lyla, and you know it,” he snapped back. Though he throbbed, his every frayed instinct insisting he continue, Roux eased his finger free of her body. There was no preventing his next action. As she watched, he licked her desire from his skin.

His eyes closed as he rolled to his back. The sweetness! His new reason for breathing.

A choking sound left her. “You cannot be this sexy. I forbid it.” With a huff, she hammered her fist into the mattress. “Also, dial down the smolder. And stop enticing me!”

“As if I can stop. Apparently, I do it simply through existing.” And what a stunning revelation. How was he supposed to function, knowing such a life-altering bit of information? “But then, I am your consort.”

“You aren’t. There’s got to be another explanation.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, not another word from you. I’m not discussing this while I’m so obviously mentally compromised.”

“For the record,” he said, focusing on calming his rough breaths. Maybe she was right and there was another explanation. But maybe she was wrong. There’s a good chance I’m hers. “I prefer you when you are out of your mind with passion for me.”

To his surprise, she snorted. “I bet you do.”

Amusement from her? Now? After all she’d admitted? With a jolt, he shifted to his side, facing her fully. Sparkling eyes of baby blue greeted him. Soft lips. Oh, yes. Amusement.

Think! He must be smart about this. Must do nothing to dampen her good humor. “Shall we discuss the fact that I can still taste you? Or would you prefer to focus on my plan to go straight to the tap next time.”

“Uh.” She blinked rapidly, as if wavering. In the end, she shook her head. “Neither, thanks.”

Determination narrowed his eyes, and he pinned her gaze with his own to let her know the seriousness of his words. “But there will be a next time.” A statement rather than a question. The female was a fever in his blood, contact with her both his cure and his sickness. He wouldn’t be deterred from this for long.

“Maybe there will,” she grumbled.

“Today,” he insisted. “After the battle.”

“What? No. Not then.” Before he could protest, she added, “It’s too soon. I need a couple days to think this through, or I’ll just keep stopping you before we reach the best part. And no tempting me while I’m pondering, either. Lust for you clouds my judgment. Obviously.” More grumbling.

He opened his mouth but went silent with another jolt, as if hit by lightning. The things she kept admitting! “Come again?”


