The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“It’s okay, Ms. Bonnie. I know about Roman’s dating past, but we’re just going to focus on the future.” The two women regarded one another in quiet understanding. Mama swiped a tear from her face and hugged her again, making Genesis laugh.

“Roman knows how to pick ’em!” Mama stated as she filled a glass with orange juice then gulped it. “I mean, since the cat is already out of the bag and all, he’s always gotten super pretty women, Genesis, and that’s just fine and dandy. You’re definitely no exception in that regard, but you really must be a special lady for him to propose, sweetheart. Gotta have looks and brains to hook a man like my boy here, Roman.”

“I’d like to think that I’m intelligent,” Genesis offered, her back straight and looking dignified as ever. “I try to be open minded and discerning, too.”

“Mama, Tony said somethin’ the other day that I found interesting. He said you and Genesis have a few things in common. I never really thought about it, but I’d say that’s true.” Mama’s cheeks turned red, and she looked pleased as could be.

“Well, I consider that a compliment. I wish I had your lady’s gorgeous shape and the eloquent way she speaks, but I reckon we may have some things in common, nonetheless. I look forward to talkin’ to you and getting to know you better, Genesis and findin’ out firsthand what those similarities may be.” Mama did a sort of curtsey.

“I look forward to getting to know you, too. Let’s go.”

Mama nodded with excitement, grabbed her purse and keys, and the two women headed towards the door.

“Mama, when is Ronald coming home today again? I just wanna be on the lookout since I’ll be working under this sink and all, tryna fix it for you.”

“Not for at least four or five hours. Said he’s workin’ a double shift. You’ve got time!”

“See you soon and have fun, ladies!” He waved to her as they exited, laughing and talking. The screen door slammed, and soon he heard Mama’s car start up. He looked out the window to catch Genesis getting into the passenger’s side, and Mama kicked the car in drive, taking off down the long dirt road. Once the coast was clear, he slipped out of his jacket and made a beeline down the hall to Mama’s bedroom. Trying to get mama out of that house was harder than hell. He’d tried everything when it suddenly hit him as they were on the phone talking about the new engagement and the bum sink—a day out for her and Genesis.

Once Mama finally acquiesced, he called Genesis and explained that it was imperative that she take mama out, so he could go ahead and search for something important. Something that could make a wrong thing go right…

Genesis placed her feet in the warm sudsy water while ‘Show Your Face,’ by Quinn Oulton featuring Demae, played sultry, twistedly beautiful rifts and rhymes. The spa was filled with fragrant candles, a high-end gift shop, and delicious meals served on tiny plates. Bonnie sat beside her, wrapped in a pink robe, her hair wrapped, too. She’d gotten her hair shampooed and trimmed, and now she was getting a pedicure before having it styled.

Genesis lay back, sipping a glass of champagne. They hadn’t had much time to talk with all the hair dryers, offers for delicacies, and avocado facials that required lips to be closed and sealed like a long-lost love letter.

“You have nice skin,” Genesis remarked, checking out the woman who would be her mother-in-law. “It glows. Even before the facial.”

“Thank you, sweetheart! I don’t use anything fancy.” She tsked. “Just Dove and one of those exfoliating cloths you get from Walmart in the bath and shower aisle. Across from the cat and dog food.” They both chuckled at that. “Genesis… today has been beautiful.” The woman seemed a little choked up. “I don’t get out as much as I’d like, and what a wonderful reason to leave the house.” The woman leaned over and patted her hand. “I get to spend some time to getting to know my new daughter.”

Genesis’ body went warm. The woman seemed to be looking right through her soul.

“You’re good for him.” Bonnie leaned back and sighed. “He’s been… through some things.” The lady looked mildly ashamed, blinked a few times, turned away, then reached for her glass of sparkling apple juice.

“He’s told me some things, yeah, but you know what? He loves you, Ms. Bonnie. No one is perfect. Not him. Not me. Nobody. All we can do is get up in the morning and try a little harder.”

“Yes, you’re right. I sometimes think about if I could do some things differently, I would, but I can’t… We can’t rewrite history, can we?”

“Unfortunately, no. It’s gone. Done.” She reflected briefly over her own life… mistakes made. Bad judgment. She thought about Tony and Penny, too. Penny didn’t feel like they needed marriage counseling. Tony wasn’t on board, either. She feared her brother’s marriage would soon fall apart. They were still at odds. She didn’t want to end up like Tony and Penny. Once in love, now in hate. What a disaster. What a heartbreaking turn of events. “Love ain’t easy, Ms. Bonnie. Everyone needs to be loved differently. Sometimes, we miss the mark.”


