The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“I see you’re a jokester. From the sound of it, he was right about you. Anybody my brother adores can’t be cookie cutter and normal.”

“You mean anyone who’d be crazy enough to maintain a friendship with your brother has their porch light on, but ain’t nobody home, or has the intelligence of a fan blade.”

“You’re a hoot.” She cackled. “Actually, he said you’re no fan blade at all.”

“Is that right?”

“That’s right. Tony said you’re one of the smartest people he’s ever met, hands down, but let me tell you, if the stories he told me were true regarding the likes of you, I should be callin’ the U.S. Marshal right about now,” she smirked. “He didn’t have no reason to lie.”

“You must be shittin’ me.” He rolled his eyes. “Tony was an amazin’ liar when it was time to double-cross someone. ’Bout as good as I was a thief. We were a team made in heaven. Or Walmart back there with the electronics, then off to the getaway car. Whatever way you wanna slice it.”

She laughed all the harder. “Yeah, you’re a cut up, all right.”

“A cut up? I’m innocent until proven guilty! What exactly did your brother tell you? I need to clear up any misconceptions right here and now. I was just joking about Walmart… It was Target. Only the best for me and Tony.” He grinned as she placed an apron around his neck. He caught a whiff of her perfume. Light musk with a slight cherry accent.

“He said you two got into your share of trouble and shenanigans while in the service. He said you were a darn good soldier, too. A great friend. Have Lady Luck on your side. Also said that if you saw somethin’ you wanted, it was as good as yours. Whoever had a nice watch or chain better super glue it to their soul with the blood of Jesus, or you’d steal it right off ’em so fast, they’d be spinning around like a top.”

“I see that uh, unfortunately, Tony was keepin’ it honest. He could have at least painted me in a good light for his family folk. Lied a bit on my behalf.”

She snickered and instructed him to lean back. “The dentists are a little behind schedule today, but Dr. Albertson will be in soon. I just wanna take a look before he gets in here.” She slipped on a face mask as some soft 1980’s style elevator music played, and adjusted his seat.

He opened his mouth wide per her instructions.

“Is it the right side?”

“Mmm hmmm. Lower tooth area. Upper and lower gum pain in that same vicinity.” He pointed at it.

A bright light shone over his face, and he could see the intensity in her big, dark brown eyes, lashes so long and lush, as she gently worked her way around his mouth with a little metal tool, paying close attention to the tooth in question.

“Okay, I see exactly what you’re talking about… mmm hmmm. I’m going to let the dentist give you the verdict.” She turned the light off and removed her mask, tossing it into the trashcan.

“Hold on now. You just did all of that and you’re not gonna tell me nothin’?”

“I did that for the dentist. He’ll see if I’m right or not. He has the final say. He’ll be in soon, but I’m making some notes and—”

“I know you’re not the dentist, and there’s enough folks in here being looked at to fill a baseball stadium, but between you and me, what do you think? If you’re wrong, I won’t hold it against you.”

She grimaced and put her fist on her hip, topping her obvious irritation with a half cock of her head to the side.

“I promise I won’t be angry if you’re incorrect. There’s just no use in dragging this out. It’s fractured, ain’t it?”

She hesitated, then, in almost a whisper, said, “…I think so.”


The soft music kept playing, making a mockery of his pain.

“On top of that, your gums have multiple tiny tears. That explains some of the pain. You’ve got nice teeth, too.” She spoke as if it were a true pity, as if his funeral were being planned soon, and he was a bystander watching it all play out. “No worries though. It can be fixed pretty easily. Have you had hot and cold sensitivity since the injury?”


“Sharp pain when you eat?”

“No, well, yes. It just started when I tried to eat some food at your brother’s shop.”

“That’s a one-star review if I’ve ever heard one. He servin’ rock donuts again?”

They both had a good laugh at that.

He rose up. “Genesis, let me ask you one more question. Can I just get a filling ya think? Hopefully that’ll take care of it.”

“I doubt it.”

“Why not?”

“Some of it split off. That tooth is chipped. You might need a crown.”


