The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“Mmm hmm.” He sat down where she pointed. “It’s just a guess, but I think it is.”

The woman turned towards a computer and began typing. “You’ve got nice teeth, Mr. Wilde. I noticed them as soon as you smiled in the vestibule. Have you had any cosmetic work done to them?”

“Thank you. Naw, nothin’ but regular cleanings, and on occasion, tooth whitening treatments. Gotta smile through the pain. At least that’s what my mama used to say.” She turned around and they held each other’s gaze. Her cheeks plumped in a smile.

“I agree with your mother.” She turned away and started typing again.

“I don’t trust dentists that I’m not familiar with, but this is an emergency so I had to make do.”

“Well, hopefully your pain will be over soon, and you can get on with your day. The hygienist will be in soon.” She faced him once again.

“Oh, you’re not the hygienist?”

“Well, I am a hygienist, but I’m not the one assigned to you today, just helping out where needed.” She folded a sheet of paper and slid it into her pocket. “We just wanted to get you settled in your room here, so you wouldn’t be waiting too long.” He nodded in understanding. “Genesis is actually the hygienist that will be working with you today.”

“Okay. She’s my good friend’s little sister. He spoke to her directly. I don’t know her personally though.”

“She’s outstanding and personable. Everybody loves Gen. You’re in good hands.”

“Outstandin’, huh? I ain’t never met her before, so I thought you might be her when you first brought me back here, even though I didn’t see any family resemblance.”

“She is with another patient right this second, but she’ll be comin’ in here shortly, then Dr. Albertson. Do you need anything while you wait? Water? Go to the restroom?”

“No, I’m good. Thank you, Dianne.”

The lady nodded and headed out. He could hear feminine laughter in the near distance, and then an unknown voice say, “Where’s that tall guy with the black hair that was sittin’ upfront? Who has him?”

“I think Genesis,” someone answered.

“Mmmm! He is fiiiine! He looks a little like Adam Rodríguez.”

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s, ‘Señorita,’ was playing. He sat up for a bit and crossed his arms, hugging himself. A dull pain radiated throughout his skull, pulsing like a slow blinking light that came in measured waves. He was sick of it. He swallowed, tasting a hint of coffee on his palate. Great brew. Tony always made an amazing cup of joe. The leftovers were setting in his cup holder in his truck. Cold and unappreciated. Soon going to waste. His thoughts gathered like tiny angry birds on an electric line. I can’t believe that walking piece of dry-rotted wood had me thrown in the slammer. Then had the nerve to try ’nd get me beat up, like that was going to make me do what he wants me to do. On second thought, yes I can believe it. Grandpa has no boundaries. I’d hate to have to blow his demented brains out, but I’ll do it if he pushes me too damn hard.

He’d purchased two more guns and plenty of additional ammo since he’d gotten out of jail. He’d already had an extensive collection, but his paranoia grew by the second. Better to be safe than sorry. Grandpa was a creature of habit, but sometimes he’d throw a curveball. Roman wanted to be first at bat and ready to catch it.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Wilde, I’m Genesis.” A woman in light pink scrubs with red shiny strawberries sewn for buttons entered the room, a tablet in hand. She was about five foot six and had a flawless, toasted almond complexion. “Is it afternoon yet?” She glanced at her watch. “Yes… it is.” He stared at her as she quickly slipped on some black, rubber gloves.

“You can call me Roman. Mr. Wilde is my father and he isn’t too formal, either. Never met you before today, but pleased to finally meet you, Genesis.” He jetted out his hand. She removed her glove as fast as she’d slipped it on, and shook it. Her hands were soft and warm.

“Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you over the years from Tony.” Her cheeks plumped like apples, but she was pretty as a precious peach. Well, would you look at this? Damn she’s gorgeous. God, you really outdid yourself with this filly. Tony, you’ve been hiding a treasure from me I see.

“I hope he said all good things.” He grinned, then sat back as she glided her glove back on.

“It was a mixture.”

“A mixture? A mixture of exactly what? We ain’t making Kool-Aid here. This isn’t no grape powder ’nd sugar, box cake mix, milk and a couple hen eggs.” She looked at him and shook her head, a big smile spread across her face.


