Teach Me Daddy Read Online Rye Hart

Categories Genre: BDSM, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 361(@200wpm)___ 289(@250wpm)___ 241(@300wpm)

I was panting with fear while my pussy was growing wet with desire.

Suddenly, his lips dipped to my pert nipples. He licked and sucked, the sensations driving me crazy while I continued to moan. The electricity that shot through my body could’ve powered the entire town and, as I bucked wildly in his lap, I could feel the vibrations of his voice echo off the corners of my mind.

“Tell me your secret,” he said.

He ground against me, causing me to gasp for air. I wanted him and I knew he could tell. But I hadn’t told him what he wanted to know. I hadn’t told him that we had a daughter. A beautiful daughter who looked just like him. My nipple fell from between his lips and his knee pressed against my clit, causing me to lose myself in his body again while he moved me back and forth.

My arms stayed taut, and his hand stayed wound in my hair as my body shook with the pleasure coursing through my veins. He rocked me to my precipice, my clit swelling with lust and wanton passion as my body started to shiver. My body jolted and darted with my orgasm as he rocked my body faster and faster against his leg, his lips wrapping around my nipples and riding me through the wetness pouring out from between my legs.

I shook helplessly on his lap as my orgasm barreled over my body and, once I collapsed, I felt him readjust my bra and pull my shirt down.

My hazy gaze found his stern eyes, and even though I was flushed with the pleasure he’d just given my body, he still wouldn’t let me go. I stared back at him, truly afraid of what was coming next, but something inside of me chanted a very familiar tune.

You can trust him. You can trust him. You can trust him.


I’d left my nephew with the nanny I had my private detective check out. I kept her on speed dial and monetarily comfortable, so I could have her at the drop of a hat. I knew this would be the night I’d go to see Rose. The night I would take in her luscious body with my eyes again and devour her essence with my lips. I called the nanny up and told her to come over before I kissed my nephew goodbye and told him he could play games until he fell asleep if it helped him to sleep better.

From the moment I walked into the diner, I was speechless. It was as if the past three years hadn’t aged her at all. The halo of innocence that surrounded her didn’t seem tainted at all by her circumstances. The way she continued to glide around the floor, cleaning up after people who probably had no respect for her, was astounding to me.

It stunned me into a silence as I made my way to the counter and sat down.

The fact that this woman was my daughter’s mother made my heart pound hard within my chest. I’d been able to keep part of the vow I made to myself that night. I followed it so fervently, in fact, that I couldn’t fuck any other subs after her. I was disgusted by their inferiority to the perfect submissive I’d found in her that night. They were all just pathetic copies of the one true princess I’d found in her that evening.

That perfect evening three whole years ago.

When I saw that first picture of my daughter, I’d almost lost my mind right there in the cabin. After losing both of my parents to such senseless violence, I couldn’t live without my family, now that I knew they existed. I couldn't allow my daughter to grow up thinking her father didn’t want her. Didn’t love her. Didn’t care for her or her mother.

But I was also eager to see Rose. To see this beautiful princess again for the first time since that night. I was ready to be in her presence again and feel the tension that naturally thrummed between us. As I sat down at the counter and watched her pour me a cup of coffee, I couldn’t help but hide a smirk at how the words burst forth from her lips.

She wanted to know what I was doing here but pretty soon, I would show her.

I watched her drift around the diner, cleaning up and tending to her own business. I could see the slight sheen of sweat on her brow, denoting the long day she must’ve had. A twinge of guilt slithered through my body as I watched her hunch her back over that damn broom.

The mother of my child shouldn’t have to work nearly as hard as she was in order to provide for our child.


