Teach Me Daddy Read Online Rye Hart

Categories Genre: BDSM, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 361(@200wpm)___ 289(@250wpm)___ 241(@300wpm)

I tugged relentlessly at the handcuffs around my wrists, trying to free myself so I could cling to him.

So I could pull him even closer and take him all in.

He slammed into me one last time and I felt him twitch. His face dipped into my neck and latched on again, nipping and sucking on my skin as I felt something spill inside me. My legs fell to the bed in total exhaustion as he grunted into my neck and I could feel the way he was shaking against me.

He lifted his head from my neck and kissed me softly while his hands reached up and freed my wrists.

My body tumbled to the bed as my eyes fluttered closed. I could feel him pull out from between my legs, releasing the waterfall of fluids that drenched the bed below me. He moved me over in his strong hands, sliding me underneath the satin sheet before he draped my body in a fur blanket.

I was so exhausted from everything that had just taken place that my body automatically swept me off into a deep, dark sleep.

I dreamt he was right there, holding me close and massaging my body while I slept. I swore I could still feel his hands on me and his eyes on me. I was sure his hands were still roaming my curves, rubbing down my wrists while my body got the rest it so desperately needed.

But when I opened my eyes, I knew that I was alone.

I couldn’t believe what had happened. In my wildest fantasies, I never imagined that sex could be that powerful, that carnal, that earth-shattering. I’d experienced orgasms before at my own hands. I had a fun little collection of toys at home I’d attempted to experiment with. But none of them amounted to anything close to what I’d just experienced. None of them made me feel the way my dark prince made me feel.

I suddenly realized I was still wearing the blindfold and I took it off and tossed it to the side.

My legs were throbbing and my wrists were aching. My pussy was still sore and every movement I made felt like I was creaking from within. I rolled over to see if he was there, to see if there was a chance that I could look at his face and gaze into the eyes of the man that took my innocence and replaced it with a passion I never thought existed.

But all I found was a handwritten note on the pillow next to my head.

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere

the ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

are full of passionate intensity…

It was a quote from a poem by Yeats. I read it over and over again as I sat up, allowing the satin sheet and the fur blanket to fall from my naked body. I scanned the room, looking for him as the note trembled in my hand.

But I was all alone, with the party still raging downstairs.

With no tears in my eyes and a stoic expression on my face, I slipped from the sheets and dressed myself. I tucked the note in my lacy bra, holding it as close to my heart as I could get it. I slipped my mask that had been placed next to me, back over my face and smoothed my hands over my dress, trying to make my hair look presentable before I wandered back out into the crowd.

I’d given my virginity to a man whose name I didn’t even know and all I had to prove to me the encounter was real was a note and a pleasantly sore body.

I knew I would never regret it. I would never regret being with him. But oh, did I feel the heartache of his absence. I was nothing more to him than a passing distraction, while he was the man that had opened my eyes to everything. An entire world I would never have understood existed had it not been for him.

He wasn’t reaching for my heart when he was groping my chest and that revelation brought actual tears to my eyes.

I was numb and a bit shell-shocked. I had been swept off my feet by a man who I knew was dangerous. I could see it in his eyes and feel it in his hands. I made my way down the stairs and was ushered out by the two people clad only in buckles. I scanned the room and saw Crystal dancing between two men who were dressed identically. I didn’t want to interrupt her fun, so I walked along the edge of the club and took a seat that overlooked the dance floor where I’d met my dark prince.

“So, what was it like?”

I turned my face toward Eli as she pulled my hair back. She grinned at something on my neck, her fingertips tracing a place I realized the man had sunk his teeth into.


