Taming Ryder Read online Nicola Haken (Souls of the Knight #2)

Categories Genre: Angst, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Souls of the Knight Series by Nicola Haken

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81597 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 408(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

A familiar tingle initiated in my spine, coursing along my hips and diving straight into my balls, making them ache. My hand wandered down my stomach, unable to resist touching my cock any longer. Seeing what I was about to do, Mason grabbed hold of my hand and raised it above my head. My cock was throbbing, my arse pulsated and my breathing was harsh and rugged.

“Please,” I begged, my voice quivering.

My back arched into the mattress when Mason’s hand dropped mine and gripped my aching cock, his other squeezing my shoulder to support himself. He rubbed me firmly up and down, sending my nerve endings into overdrive. I reached out and touched him, placing my hands on his waist and smoothing them around to his back, needing to feel his hot skin.

“I’m close,” I urged, his tight grip of my cock moving in time with his firm, relentless thrusts.

“I can feel it,” he choked. “Come on, Ryder, let go for me.”

“Oh my…fuck…oh shit, Mason…”

My dick swelled as more blood rushed to the head, making it glisten with pre-cum and threatening to explode at any time.

“Yeah,” Mason ground out. “I can feel your ass tightening around my dick. Oh fuck yeah.”

“Mase, I’m, I’m gonna…I love you!” Those three monumental words spilled from my mouth at the exact moment jets of hot cum sprayed up the center of my body. Removing his hand from my cock, Mason tucked both of his hands under my arms, dragging me tightly into him and breathing heavily into my neck.

“I love you, too,” he breathed harshly. “So. Fucking. Much.” With one last powerful thrust Mason’s cock began to twitch inside me as he found his release. His words were hot and commanding against my ear and I angled my head to kiss his forehead. Our bodies were warm, sticky from sweat and traces of chocolate. Burying my nose in his hair I inhaled deeply, feeling greater satisfaction, contentment and peace than I’d ever felt in my life.

“So beautiful,” Mason murmured, kissing his way down my neck, along my shoulder and then pressing gentle kisses on each of my scars under my arm. “Every part of you.”

“I mean it. I love you. That has to be what I’m feeling. I don’t think any other word is powerful enough to describe how much you mean to me, how much I need you. When I’m with you, I feel safe. I feel loved, respected. You make me feel like I deserve that.”

“You do deserve that.”

“And so do you. I just hope I’m able to give it to you.”

“You already do, and you have for so long.”

Closing my eyes, our bodies still entwined, connected, I smiled serenely against his head.

“I’m sticky,” I announced with a soft laugh.

“Me too. Shower with me again?”

“Hold me for a moment longer, then lead the way.”

Kyle King @KyleKingXXX1min

Heading to my home town! See u soon guys!

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Within half a second my phone was on fire. We’d just boarded our flight so I spent the time waiting for everyone else to find their seats and settle scrolling through my notifications.

Darren Simmons @muzzy19841min

@KyleKingXXX Safe trip! Can’t wait to finally meet you :)

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Emma Clark @Emthebabe2min

@KyleKingXXX Enjoy your flight. I’m hoping to get down to see you!

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Michael Fosa @mikef832min


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Darren Simmons @muzzy19842min

@KyleKingXXX When r we getting more of u & @aarontaylorxxx #KingTaylor

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“Hey, you need to turn that off. Seatbelt sign has just come on,” Mason said, nudging my shoulder. Nodding, I switched off my phone and tucked it into the pocket of my rucksack under my seat. “You nervous?”

“Of flying?”

“Of where we’re heading.”

“Yeah. Just want to get it over with.”

“You know you can still change your mind. You don’t have to see them.”

“I do. If I don’t I’ll always wonder what could’ve been. I need to know one way or the other if they still consider me their son before I drive myself crazy.”

Saying nothing, Mason wrapped his fingers around my hand, squeezing it gently, reassuringly, as he rested our hands on his lap. The warmth of his touch spread throughout my whole body, settling my nerves and calming my mind. I put my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths and mentally preparing myself for the days that were to follow.

The time difference completely fucked with our heads when we arrived in the UK and we ended up sleeping throughout most of the first day. Originally, I’d planned to take a day to settle in, maybe show Mason a few sights, but as soon as I woke up in our hotel bed I just knew I couldn’t put it off any longer. I could feel the nerves and fear eating away at my insides. It felt like they were gnawing away at my stomach, spreading into my veins like cancer.


