Taming Ryder Read online Nicola Haken (Souls of the Knight #2)

Categories Genre: Angst, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Souls of the Knight Series by Nicola Haken

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 81597 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 408(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

“I think Matt’s running for fag hag of the year,” I joked. “He’s a cool guy. I like him.”

After stealing one of Matt’s protein shakes from the refrigerator, a loud thump resounded from upstairs.

“Aaaaany second now,” Alex said with a shit-eating grin on his face as he joined us in the kitchen. Both Ryder and I looked at him, our faces crumpled in confusion.

And then it came. Matt’s yelling…

“What the fuck?” he blasted, followed by the sound of him stomping across the landing toward the stairs.

Alex couldn’t contain his roaring laughter and I was suddenly very curious to know what was going on.

“Where the fuck is my hair?”

The second Matt came into vision, half way down the spiral stairs in the center of the open living space, I threw my hand over my mouth, both in shock and amusement. His usual shoulder length dark blond hair was gone. Like completely shaved off to the bone.

“I warned you not to do it, dude,” Alex said with the smuggest grin he could muster.

“Do what? Will some fucker tell me why I’ve got no fucking hair!” he continued to yell, rubbing furiously at his freshly shaved head.

“Well don’t ask me how you guys got onto the topic because I wasn’t there, but when I joined you and some random guy in Nemesis at the table, he’d bet you couldn’t fit a condom over your head with all that hair. Turns out, you couldn’t.”

“So what? I bet my fucking hair?”

“Um, yeah.”

“And where the fuck did I get hold of hair clippers in a fucking bar?”

“I got them from Pete, the guy who owns the place.”

“And why the hell would you do that?”

“Because you told me to. And because it was funny.”

“Funny? Funny! Dude! Look at me!” Matt yelled, slapping his head with the palm of his hand.

“Actually,” Ryder interrupted. “I think it kinda suits you.”


“I’m a trained stylist. I know these things.”

“Well, whatever. Nothin’ I can do about it now,” Matt grumbled. “But you!” he added, pointing to Alex. “The whole point of a drinking partner is to stop the other one from doin’ crazy shit like this!”

“You wouldn’t listen to me!” Alex replied, his eyes still watering from laughter. “Besides, it was too long anyway. You looked like a woman.”

“Bullshit. Chicks dig long hair.”

“No. Chicks dig your status, man. It’ll grow back anyway. No big deal.”

“Well I’m gonna test Ry’s opinion first, see how much pussy this new look brings in.” Alex rolled his eyes at Matt while Matt turned his attention to Ryder. “So you back to normal and shit, dude?”

“Yeah. Getting there.”

“Cool. I’m sick of lookin’ at his whiny ass,” Matt said, cocking his head in my direction.

“Firstly, I do not whine, and second, I’m going back to Ry’s place tonight so you don’t have to look at my ass anymore.”

“Well don’t forget to take those underpants you’ve got lying around in the bathroom. The ones with the hole in the middle? They weird me the fuck out.”

“Easy access.” I winked. “Right, guys, I’m going to get changed. You waiting here, Ry?”

“Sure. I’ll give you a lift to the studio.”

“You don’t have to, but thanks.”

“It’s no problem. I’ll drop you off and then go see Elle. Think I owe her an explanation.”

I nodded. “Good idea.”

“And on that note,” Matt interrupted. “I’m going back to bed.” He started walking away, muttering something about his precious hair under his breath.

Laughing, I made my way to the stairs behind Matt. I’d never modeled outdoors before and I was looking forward to today’s shoot. More importantly, I was looking forward to getting home, curling up on the couch and watching shit TV with Ryder.

“That’s it!” Ivan announced, stepping back and smiling proudly. “I think we have our book.”

As suspected, the shoot was perfect. Golden sand, crystal water and blue sky. We got a variety of shots both in and out of the water. There was no nudity this time given that it was a public beach, although sectioned off, but still I was sure the end result would be artistic and stunning.

“Great job, guys,” Mark praised as he began dismantling his tripod. I’d felt too reserved before, but now I was established – a member of this unconventional family – so I finally got round to asking Mark something that had been itching to leave my mouth for a while.

“Hey, Mark. Do you think I could watch you edit these? See the process from start to finish?”

“You like photography?” Ivan asked over my shoulder, surprising me. I thought he was still over with the other guys.

“Yeah. It’s just a hobby right now, but I’m actually saving to go to college so I can maybe do it professionally someday.”

“Yeah? That’s great,” Mark answered.

“It’s good to have ambition,” Ivan conceded. “I have every faith in you, kid, and I’m sure Mark would be more than happy to offer up his words of wisdom. Right, Mark?”


