Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

So what if she burst into tears after ending each call? It was just a release valve, nothing more.

She returned to The Garden on Wednesday, eager for the distraction to get her through another evening. She stopped by her hair stylist for a touch up on her cotton-candy pink hair and groomed herself carefully before dressing for the evening.

After trying and discarding all her scene wear at least once, she finally settled on her favorite black leather bustier and miniskirt. She texted Beau a dozen times, wisely deleting each text before she could hit send.

What if he was there?

What if he wasn’t?

Her heart pounded as she entered the familiar club. Unable to help herself, she immediately scanned the space for any sign of a tall, handsome Rhett Butler Dom with Kinbaku ropes in his hands.

No sign of him.


Hope is the lottery ticket with “better luck next time” printed on it.

She did run into Kevin, a forty-something scene partner she’d enjoyed intensive impact play with a time or two in the past. Eager for the release and distraction of erotic pain, she agreed to a caning.

They found an empty station with a St. Andrew’s cross. While Lia unzipped and slipped off her miniskirt, Kevin took out a long, strappy cane from his gear bag. She leaned into the cross with a sigh as he strapped her wrists and ankles in place.

He started slowly, lightly tapping her ass with the side of the cane. “You need a good caning, don’t you, naughty girl? You’ve been a very, very bad girl.”

Fuck. She’d forgotten his tendency to prattle.

“Yeah. I need it.”

“Say please.”

She bit back a sigh. “Please.”

A welcome sear of white-hot pain ignited over both ass cheeks.

Yes. More.

“How was that? Good, huh? Daddy Kevin knows just what his naughty girl needs.”

Don’t talk. Just do it.

“More, please,” she managed.

But instead of obliging her with the biting kiss of the cane, his fingers, rough and calloused, moved over her ass. He cupped her ass cheeks as he leaned close, his breath hot on the back of her neck.

“Ask me properly, little girl. Say, ‘Please, Daddy. May I have another?’”

Oh, for god’s sake. She didn’t recall this guy as having a Daddy fixation. All she wanted was a good, hard caning—something to take her totally out of herself.

She twisted back to regard her scene partner. “Look, Kevin. Er, Daddy. Please. Just give me a good, hard caning. I’m begging you.”

“Now, that’s what I like to hear,” he replied. “My little girl is begging her big Daddy for what she needs.”

He moved closer and reached for her hair. Grabbing a handful, he used it to yank her head back. “You want it hard, huh? Say, ‘I want it hard, Daddy. Please spank me, Daddy. Give it to me good.’”

It felt like he was yanking her hair out by the roots. As much to make him let go as to get what she needed, she parroted the stilted words.

With a triumphant smile, he let her go. Finally, he delivered a series of sharp, stinging blows that allowed her to forget, for a precious few minutes, what, or rather who, she really wanted.

The Daddy/little girl scenario notwithstanding, Kevin did know his way around a cane. Once upon a time, what he’d given her would have been enough. Now, it only highlighted Master Beau’s missing Kinbaku ropes, the feel of his hands moving over her skin, the fiery gaze of those forest-green eyes.

Shit. Had Beau ruined her for other Doms?

Friday evening, Lucia called to invite Lia to a dungeon play party. Several friends of Julian’s from London were visiting, and two of them were single Doms, both easy on the eyes and heavily into the scene. Not to mention, it would be a great chance for Lia to unwind after her first week at her new job.

Lia knew she should accept the invitation. What better way to put Beau out of her heart and mind than spending an evening in the fabulous dungeon at The Enclave? And who knew? Maybe one of Julian’s friends would turn out to be her Master Right, and Beau would just end up a tiny footnote in the story of her life.

Annoyingly, she burst into tears yet again, this time before she could get off the phone with Lucia. “I’m afraid he’s ruined me, Lucia,” she managed between sobs. “I’m doing my best to put him out of my head, but the bastard refuses to budge. If I returned to The Enclave right now, I’d see him at every station and compare every scene to one we’d shared.”

“Oh, honey,” Lucia soothed. “I get it. I do. Clearly, there’s unfinished business between the two of you. You’re a courageous submissive, Lia. You proved that by giving the training process another chance. Don’t let fear keep you from acting. You know what I always say…”


