Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

Every day of Lia’s training had included some kind of bondage. Each rope session was more intense than the previous, by design. Friday morning—their last official morning as trainer and trainee—Beau took Lia into the dungeon for their final Kinbaku session.

When he led her back to his favorite station with the swiveling suspension rings, she was surprised to see several people already there, as if waiting for their arrival. Chairs had been set up along one side of the station, in which sat Master Anthony, Lawrence and Mark. Their slave girls, Lucia, Danielle and Jaime, knelt on floor cushions beside them. Not only that, a large, full-length mirror had been set up on the edge of the scene station perpendicular to the seating.

“Oh,” Lia exclaimed, the word popping out of her mouth in her surprise as she stared at the unexpected guests. All of the Doms were smiling, though Lawrence’s grin looked more like a sneer to Lia, as it always did. The subs were smiling too. Lucia gave Lia a small nod of encouragement while Jaime held up one hand in a thumb’s up gesture.

“It’s your last day of training,” Master Anthony said, as if she could have possibly forgotten that fact. “Master Beau has invited us to see how far you’ve progressed in your brief time together.”

Working with Beau one-on-one was one thing. Having the exacting Enclave Masters observe was quite another. Lia very nearly brought her hand reflexively to her lips, her fledgling fingernails suddenly whispering her name. To resist the sudden urge, she clasped her hands together and managed a lopsided smile of her own.

“Today,” Beau began, “I’m going to bind Lia in an especially challenging position. She will demonstrate for me and for all of you her newfound grace and self-control.”

A pleasant warmth moved through Lia at Master Beau’s implied confidence in her. At the same time, her stomach swooped unpleasantly at the realization she might not be up to the challenge.

She glanced again at Lucia, who telegraphed, “Just obey your trainer and do your best.”

“Stand in the center of the mat facing the mirror,” Beau instructed.

Lia did as she was told, glad that by doing so she wouldn’t have to look directly at the panel of critics.

He proceeded to set out his ropes on the mat, his movements deliberate and graceful. When he had them arranged to his satisfaction, he stood in front of her and placed his hands lightly on her shoulders.

“I want you to focus solely on the ropes. I’m going to bind you and suspend you upside down, one leg bent. It is a challenging and physically demanding position, but I believe you can handle it. Would you agree?”

“I-I think so, Sir,” she said, not entirely sure.

He smiled. “Well, that’s an honest response. I get it that you might have some trepidation. I’ll check in with you often during the scene, and you should feel free to speak up if anything is too difficult or is hurting you in a way that goes beyond erotic pain.”

Lia nodded her understanding. She felt prickly with nerves and excitement. While she would rather not have had anyone watching (and no doubt judging), she was thrilled that Master Beau believed her up to the challenge. She would do her best not to let him down.

“I want you to focus on your breathing and on the sensations in your body as I bind you. Breathing deeply and slowly will help you manage any physical or emotional tension.”

Beau dropped his hands from her shoulders and took a step to the side. “I encourage you to watch what is happening in the mirror. Not only will it help you appreciate the artistry of Kinbaku, but seeing your body and the ropes from different angles adds a visual dimension to the sensations you’ll be feeling. You’ll be able to see how the ropes influence your posture and movements. It will remind you that you’re an active participant in this process and help keep you centered.”

All of that made sense to Lia. There was an additional benefit Beau hadn’t mentioned. By watching herself in the mirror, she would be better able to block out their audience.

The binding began with her standing upright beneath one of the suspension rings, her body relaxed but alert. She watched in the mirror as Beau tied several anchor ropes to the ring.

When he was satisfied, he turned his attention to her. She observed with fascination how he meticulously wove a complex and mesmerizing pattern of colorful rope around her body. As he worked, his hands repeatedly brushed her skin, sending shivers of pleasure and desire through her core.

Far from feeling antsy, bored or irritated, as she often had during bondage scenes in the past, she felt very calm. Unlike the intensity of impact play, there wasn’t much for her to do other than remain still and compliant and pay attention to her body. The ropes were definitely restrictive, but not in a way that made her want to wriggle out of them.


