Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

And I don’t want to hurt her. I never set out to hurt anyone, but I’m not a saint either. What I am is upfront.

“If I fuck you,” I say, letting go of her hair, “that’s all it’ll be. I need to know you’re okay with that.”

“I’m okay with that.” Her voice softens. “I just want you.”

I grab her by the back of her neck and pull her closer. “You know how I want it.”

Heat flushes her cheeks, and something flashes in her eyes, but it comes and goes too fast to put my finger on it. “I do know, Ashton.”

Of course, she does. She’s known about my ways since high school. Though looking back, I had no business touching her, considering she’s two years younger.

But she’s not young and innocent anymore. My hand loosens from around her neck, trails down her spine, slaps her cotton-clad ass. I step back and issue a command with nothing more than the heat in my gaze.

As she heads toward her bedroom, I follow, noting the self-satisfied smile she tosses over her shoulder along the way. I’ll spank her ass for that alone. We enter the tidy space in which she sleeps. One window, curtains drawn back to reveal the night through rain-splattered glass. Corinne moves to close the curtains.

“Leave them open.”

Her hand pauses, fingers itching to shut out the possibility of prying eyes. She glances at me once more, hesitation lining her face, and I stand my ground.


Because she knows what to do.

Facing me fully, she gives the window her backside and grips the hem of her top before shedding her clothes without modesty. Getting naked in front of me isn’t a novelty. I point to the desk tucked against a wall, and she bends over the hard surface, sticking her ass out the way she knows I like. I pull the tie from her hair and admire how her blond locks splay across her back.

“Spread ‘em wider,” I say, nudging the backs of her ankles with my foot as I unzip.

She parts her legs in invitation, but more importantly, total surrender. “I’ve missed this,” she moans, grasping the edges of the desk with both hands. “I need you to fuck me.”

“I’ll fuck you when I’m ready. First, tell me why you’re home cramming on a Friday night. Were you procrastinating, Corinne?”


I bring my palm down on her right cheek with a satisfying smack. “Shameful. You know better.” I smack her other cheek, using more force this time, and she flinches.

But she doesn’t tell me to stop.

This girl lives to take my punishments. She’ll do anything to get me thrusting between her thighs, and nothing turns me on more than a red ass. I smack her flesh for several minutes, growing harder with every flinch and gasp. A dip of my fingers into her sex confirms what I already know.

She’s drenched as fuck.

“God, Ashton. I’m dying here.” With a long, needy moan, she pushes her ass into my waiting palms, silently begging me to take her.

I roll on a condom and nudge her opening, on the cusp of entering her, and that’s when I falter.

That’s when I see the flaming shade of auburn instead of blond. The memory of Sadie’s mouth on me is too potent. Too shattering. Too fucking distracting.

What the hell? My dick has never been so hard and ready to go, but it has nothing to do with the woman spread out in front of me, more than willing. For the first time ever, I can’t muster the will to fuck.

Sadie has totally messed with my head, and she’s going to explain. She’s going to pay for this.

“I can’t do this right now,” I say, removing the condom. It’s one thing to fuck a woman with no strings attached, but it’s another to do it while wishing she were someone else.

Letting out a ragged breath, I step away from Corinne and push both hands through my hair as the foolish, confused organ in my chest plays an erratic drumline.

Corinne stands to face me, her features pinched in disappointment. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No. It’s not you.”

“What the hell is it then?”

“I’m too fucked in the head right now. I shouldn’t have come here.” Zipping up my pants, I flee her apartment and escape into the downpour.

Chapter Four


Someone’s sitting on my bed, their body sinking into the mattress next to my hip. Despite The Little Drummer Boy going to town in my head, I force my lids open, blinking the grit away for several seconds.

Jesus. Why is the sunlight so bright? Have those rays always come through my bedroom window with the power to blind a person?

And why is Ashton sitting on my bed first thing in the morning? As I push my tangled hair from my eyes, everything that I did the night before floods back.


