Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

She can’t just pull this shit and pretend it didn’t happen.

She had her lips wrapped around my cock like they belonged there. And damn it to hell because it felt right. Aiming my gaze forward again, I almost groan out loud at the thought of shoving back into her mouth to finish the job. It’s been a long time since a woman made me this hot over a blow job, and the fact that it was interrupted is only making it worse.

Fucking hell, this is Sadie, I remind myself. She’s not some faceless chick I picked up for a night of no-strings-attached sex.

It’s Sadie.

I don’t know how many times I’ll have to repeat that in my mind before it sticks.

Lord knows I’ve wanted her for a long time. But Sadie has always been and will always be out of my league. She’s off-limits. Sweet, sexy, and sincere. Too innocent to subject to my depraved ways. I can only imagine what her reaction would be if she ever found out what I’m like in bed.

The red would never leave her flawless, pale cheeks. Both sets of cheeks, because I’d spank her ass for putting me through this torture.

As we step onto the sidewalk outside the club, Sadie stumbles into me.

“Sorry,” she slurs as the chilly wind whips her auburn hair around her shoulders.

The sidewalk is wet with rain, and I’m worried she’ll slip and fall. Hoisting her over my shoulder, I lead the way to my car, Mandy steady on her feet at my side. She didn’t have nearly as much to drink as Sadie did.

“I’ve never seen her this smashed,” Mandy says, watching me buckle Sadie into the front seat of my Honda.

“Me neither.” I grit my teeth, not liking her behavior one bit. I’m tempted to take her home and spank her ass anyway, to hell with the consequences. Tomorrow, we can hash out the impulsive actions and desires—her tempting lips around my dick, and my twitchy hand unleashing retribution onto her bottom.

But fifteen minutes later, I tuck her drunken body into her bed and hightail it out of their apartment before I get myself into serious trouble. I’m almost home when my cell buzzes from the center console. I glance at the screen and spy the name of the girl I dated briefly in high school.

The girl I was stupid enough to hook up with again a few weeks ago.

Corinne Kaldwell is sexy and willing and the perfect example of a bad idea because I’m starting to suspect she wants more than I can give her. That still doesn’t stop me from hitting the brake hard and making an abrupt turn down a tree-lined street.

Because I need an outlet for this rampant desire raging through my blood, compliments of my sister’s best friend.


I backtrack several blocks, all the while questioning the wisdom of this unplanned side trip. Neat rows of residential houses with perfect lawns give way to the bustle of college living. People litter the sidewalk, coming and going from cafes and bars. Friday nights don’t end until closing time, and for those looking to party all night, there are numerous frat parties going on down the road. I pass one such party, throbbing bass spilling out the two-story house, and realize that Corinne might not even be home. She could have called from anywhere.

But the last thing I’m in the mood for is a damn party.

Truth be told, I’m in the mood for one thing and one thing only, and it doesn’t involve Corinne. Yet here I am, wheeling the car into the parking lot of her apartment complex. It’s pouring rain by the time I climb the stairs and head toward her door, and I’m relieved to see light shining through the gap in the living room curtains. She answers in sporty gray sweats and a pink T-shirt. Makeup free, she’s far from dressed up, with her blond hair pulled back in a long ponytail.

I’ve always been partial to blondes, with the exception of one redhead who has the power to make me crazy.

“Hi,” Corinne says before opening the door wider and gesturing for me to come inside.

“Tearing up the town tonight, I see.”

She responds to my teasing grin with one of her own. “Got a test on Monday.”

“Look at you,” I say, reaching out and twirling her ponytail, “staying home to study like a good girl.”

Long, dark lashes flutter over her deep brown eyes. “I’m just finishing up for the night. I was hoping we could…if you want to, I mean?” Swallowing hard, she aims her gaze at my feet.

I make her nervous—the kind of nervous that’s a red flag for what I already know.

This is more than sex to her.

Walking away should be a no-brainer. A necessity of self-preservation. It’s the reason I distanced myself from Corinne a couple of weeks ago.


