Romeo (Blood Fury MC #12.5) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, Forbidden, MC Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 115186 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

But here they were.

His gaze bounced over his executive committee. From Bishop, his VP, sitting to his right, to Sigh the club secretary, to their treasurer Cue, Cisco the road captain, and he finished with Magnum, sitting at his left.

The only Knight with an official title not in attendance was Sully because their chaplain didn’t get a vote. Or get to make decisions. They only had a club chaplain because Sully asked for the title a long time ago after becoming an ordained minister. The previous president granted his request, and it was no skin off Romeo’s nose for the long-time member to keep it.

He side-eyed his sergeant at arms again. The man who kept Maddie’s living arrangements secret. And that still chapped Romeo’s ass.

Magnum’s eyes narrowed on him. “What the fuck you do?”

“Didn’t do shit,” he responded. “Let’s get this meetin’ started.”

The big man to his left wouldn’t be happy if he found out Romeo dipped his dick in Blood Fury property. Especially without first asking permission from the Fury member she belonged to.

But then, Romeo didn’t ask Shade if he could fuck his stepdaughter five years ago, either.

He wasn’t stupid.

Okay, maybe he was. Sometimes.

He had taken his life in his own hands by taking Maddie’s virginity. Despite her being a willing participant. But now she was on her own and not in the Fury fold. And he was damn sure that Maddie didn’t run anyone she fucked past Shade beforehand.

He realized going to Shade first would’ve shown some respect. But he had no doubt that the Fury member would’ve told him to fuck off and leave his girl alone.

That wasn’t going to happen.

Especially after the other night. He hadn’t fantasized about any other female since. All he could think about was how wet, warm, and tight Maddie’s pussy was. How her tits rocked and rolled every time he slammed his dick into her.

Her face when she came.

Her face when he came.

Unfortunately, now was really not the optimal time to relive that night.

Especially when Magnum leaned closer and tried to catch Romeo’s eyes. “You did somethin’, asshole, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, called a fuckin’ meetin’, so let’s get to it.”

A muscle ticked in Magnum’s smooth cheek.

Did Romeo look guilty? He shouldn’t.

Maybe Magnum heard chatter about Maddie coming to Dirty Dick’s. His brothers all like to run their mouths like a bunch of high school mean girls. He should’ve been smarter and met her somewhere else.

Too fucking late.

“Maybe it’s got to do with that hot young thing that showed up the other night,” Cisco mentioned with a grin.

For fuck’s sake.

Romeo kept his mouth shut since he knew better than to respond. If he scrambled for excuses, he’d look guilty as fuck.

Magnum asked Cisco, “She got reddish blonde hair?”

“She got somethin’,” Cisco answered.

“Why the fuck are we wastin’ time here? A female walkin’ into Dick’s ain’t nothin’ new. No goddamn reason to discuss that kinda shit at this table.” Romeo jabbed his finger against the worn, scarred wood. “Got real business to discuss.”

“If you touched another club’s property, that’s club business,” Magnum told him. “The fuck if we need to cause issues with an ally.”

“Ain’t gonna be any issues.”

One of Magnum’s thick black eyebrows rose up his huge forehead. “‘Cause you didn’t touch Fury property, that right?”

His first instinct was to lie but if he got caught in that lie later… That could create a clusterfuck. Still, he wasn’t going to admit shit during an officer meeting. They weren’t there to discuss their latest conquests. Or their sex lives. Or even their fucking family life.

They were there to take care of Knights business.

“Know you too well, brother. You can’t keep your dick in your fuckin’ pants.”

“Nothin’ new,” he admitted.

Cisco dropped his head and snorted. Sigh grinned and Cue nodded, also smiling like a fucking fool.

Bishop bitched, “Christ, if we’re gonna talk about Rome’s latest fuck every goddamn time we got a meetin’, then that’s all we’ll be talkin’ about. Move the fuck on. He steps on Fury toes, then he can deal with it.”

Magnum’s jaw tightened. “Don’t fuckin’ work that way. He steps on Fury toes, we’re all gonna be dealin’ with it.”

“If he steps on Shade’s toes, Rome won’t be sittin’ at the head of the table anymore. Problem solved.” Cue shrugged.

Sigh added, “Yeah, he’s gonna find his Black ass buried in some deep grave somewhere.”

“Missin’ skin and flesh. Maybe even without that tongue he likes to use so damn much.” Cisco stuck out his tongue and made a sawing motion like he was cutting it off.

Romeo fought a grimace and a shudder. “Then, good thing Shade’s got no reason to do that.”

Magnum huffed and shook his head. “Better be true.”

“Need to stop questionin’ your president.”

“Once you stop doin’ stupid shit,” Magnum countered.

“Expectin’ miracles, brother,” Bishop told their sergeant at arms on a laugh.


