Pulling Heartstrings Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

“First what?” he asks, feeding me another bite.

“Most wonderful moment of your life.”

He smiles, showing off his perfect white teeth and making my heart flutter. Not only because of how handsome he is, but because I know where that mouth just was. Somewhere a mouth has never been before.

“When I saw you.”

I blush again.

“God, I love that. I didn’t even know women could blush anymore.” He leans in, his lips brushing my cheeks. Yeah, probably because women my age aren’t this inexperienced.

Though with him, I don't think that’s going to be a problem. When he touches me, my body reacts. Like when I climbed him like a tree at the dance. I kissed him like I might die if I didn't. Not only that, but Reese takes over and I don't have to worry if I'm doing something wrong. He does it for me.

“Are you always this charming?” I ask, wondering if everything he says is a line. I heard a lot of bullshit in college and know men will say anything to get in your pants. But that doesn’t seem to add up with Reese.

I don’t think he has to work at getting into a girl’s pants. They probably just throw their pants at him. Except me. I kept running away. Maybe that’s why he finds me so desirable, because I’m a challenge.

“No. I’m not trying to be charming. I’m just being honest.” He moves in a little closer to me, finishing off the piece of cheese. “I’m not feeding you a line, sweetheart. The first day I saw you, you had your thick-framed glasses perched on your button nose as you studied some paper in your hand. You had me in that moment. Then you laughed. Full-on out there with your head back. It was something one of the kids said to you, and you felt it with your whole heart. Right then, I knew it was over. I knew I’d find a way to have you. To make you mine. To feel that laugh against me as I held you. Giving you a reasons to do it.”

My breath hitches and my eyes are trained on his. I know in this moment I’ll be his for however long he wants me. I don’t care anymore.

“Getting it, love?”

I nod.

“Finally,” he murmurs as his mouth lands on mine.

Chapter Seven


I reach out and brush my finger across her cheek and then her jaw. Her skin is soft and delicate, and her blush makes me hard as a rock.

“I’ve known from the moment I saw you that you were it for me, Charity. Love at first sight might seem ridiculous and people might roll their eyes at it, but for me it’s real. I fell in love with your smile, your laugh, and the way you looked when you spoke to your students. I fell hard and fast for you even before you said a word to me.” Her eyes light up, but I don’t see a trace of fear in them. Only hope. “I love you, Charity. You’re the other half I’ve been missing my entire life, and I’ve waited for you for long enough. Don’t make me wait anymore.”

“Reese, I don’t know what to say. This is all happening so fast.” Her eyes dart around the room and then back to me.

“My mom used to tell me that good things take time, but great things happen all at once. It was an old saying she loved to remind me of when I’d get discouraged about anything. And the day I saw you, her words rang in my ears. You are my greatness, Charity.”

She brings her hands to her mouth and then reaches out, touching my lips. It’s as if she can’t believe my words are real, but they are.

“You’re moving in with me, we’re getting married, and I’m going to love you for the rest of my life. It may take you some time to get on the same page as me, but you can do it from our home and with my ring on your finger.”

She lets out a laugh and before I know what’s happening, she’s tackled me to my back on the couch. I grab her naked ass with both hands as her lips land on mine in a kiss that’s full of fire. She moans into my mouth as I roll us over and pin her under me.

Her legs are around my waist, and I sit up, gripping the front of my dress shirt covering her body and rip it open. Buttons go flying, but I couldn’t care less as I lean down and open my mouth over her nipple, sucking it hard. Her fingers go to my hair, and her grip is tight as I move to her other breast while undoing my slacks. If I don’t get inside her soon, I’ll die.


