Pulling Heartstrings Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43749 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 219(@200wpm)___ 175(@250wpm)___ 146(@300wpm)

“You’re a vixen,” I tell her before I kiss her gently.

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.” She smiles as she kisses me back. “I love you.”

“I love you more, sweets.” One more quick kiss and then I pull out of her, putting my still wet cock back in my jeans. “And you can suck that off later.”

“Don’t tempt me with a good time.”

I have no doubt the people downstairs can hear the squeals coming from the closet as I chase my wife around and then finally catch her. We’re more than a little late to the party, but it’s worth it. It’s all worth it when it comes to Astrid and our family. She’s my favorite way to spend every minute of the day.


Sweet Treats

Charity Treat is an elementary school teacher with a secret crush on the uncle of a student. She’s been lusting from afar, but little does she know he’s been taking steps to make her his.

Reese Lovella has been obsessed with Charity since the second he saw her. The Valentine’s Day school dance is his opening to make her his and make sure she never gets away.

Warning: Their story is fast, hot, and sugary sweet! Grab some chocolate and snuggle up with this adorable read!

Chapter One


“Miss Treat?”

I look up from the stack of papers I’m grading to see Scott Grayson standing in front of my desk. His sandy blond hair is a mess, and a smudge of dirt is on his cheek. He clearly had a good time during the extra recess the class has earned today. His bright blue eyes sparkle with mischief, and I know what’s coming.

“Everything okay, Scott?” I glance over at the clock and see I still have a few minutes until the class has to come back to collect their things at the end of the day.

“My uncle Reese was asking about you again.”

My cheeks warm as a smile spreads across Scott’s face. I have to give it to the guy, he’s relentless. Maybe a little bit of a romantic at heart. I didn’t know third graders played matchmaker, but apparently this one does. Whenever Scott has a moment to talk to me, it’s always about his uncle Reese and just how wonderful he is.

I have to stop myself from asking how his uncle is, because I’m sure he’ll run and tell him anything I might say. Then again, who knows what he’s telling him. For all I know, he didn’t ask about me at all and Scott is making this up all on his own. I’m not sure I want to know what he’s telling his uncle about me.

“Did you have fun during the extra recess?” I try to change the subject because I don’t want to think about how my heart does a little flutter every time Scott brings up his uncle. Or how I feel a little weak in the knees when he sometimes shows up to pick him up from school. It makes me feel things I’ve never felt before. In all kinds of places. It’s how I always feel when his eyes are on me.

I don’t understand why he watches me, though. Reese is one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen in my life. He’s been the topic of conversation at more than one staff lunch here at Hartwood Elementary. I know more about him than I probably should at this point as all the female teachers here can’t seem to stop talking about him. Even a few male teachers, too.

I know that at the age of thirty, he’s a well-respected architect in the city. He was recently named one of the most eligible bachelors in Seattle, has his own charity that helps under-privileged kids go to college, and is more active in his nephew’s life than half the dads around here. All that perfection and it’s not even counting how handsome he is. So he’s definitely not looking at me.

I’m the new third grade teacher who’s a little overweight with no plans to change it. I’m not giving up sweets for anything, not even to get into a smaller size. I wear thick-framed glasses because my eyesight is terrible, and I’ve got uncontrollable curly hair that always gets in the way.

I’m so shy and inexperienced when it comes to men, I can barely say hi to him when he tries to talk to me. Maybe he’s looking at me and wondering why the school would hire a teacher who is so shy she can barely speak. Maybe that’s why he was asking about me. He’s probably worried Scott isn’t getting the schooling he should be. And for what some of the parents pay to send their children here, I can’t even be upset about that.

Scott does the cutest half eye-roll at my change of subject. “He asked if you were going to be at the Valentine’s day party.”


