Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

There’s a smattering of applause as the audience cranes their necks and glances around. Mrs. Hawthorne inclines her head toward those who meet her eyes. A blush suffuses Summer’s cheeks as Kingsley stands sentinel behind her, hands resting protectively on her slender shoulders. It’s obvious from the expression on his face that he’ll rip anyone to shreds who dares to even look at her wrong.

Austin looms so close that I feel the way his muscles coil as tension radiates from him in thick waves. What I’ve discovered is that he’s only comfortable in the spotlight when on the football field.

“Since I know everyone here is a Hawks fan, my guess is that you’ve all been in the stands each Friday night, cheering us on.”

A burst of clapping breaks out.

Jasper waits for the crowd to settle before glancing down at the stage and clearing his throat as if he’s about to confide something deeply personal. I can almost feel the crowd surge forward, not wanting to miss a word.

“If I’m being honest, those wins come down to one player. I don’t think anyone would disagree that he’s become a vital member of our team. And if I do say so myself, we’re damn lucky to have him.” Jasper searches the sea of people until it lands on the boy behind me. “Come up here, Austin.”

A smile lifts my lips as I glance over my shoulder and meet his wary gaze. The muscles in his jaw tense. His attention flickers to me before he gives his head a quick shake.

When he takes a step in retreat, Jasper chuckles. “Come on, don’t be shy. Get up here!” When Austin doesn’t budge, the other boy’s voice booms throughout the spacious room, “Let’s show our new QB that he’s not only an important part of the Hawks team, but an integral part of Hawthorne.”

Thunderous applause erupts, becoming almost deafening. I glance at Mrs. Hawthorne and find the first genuine smile I’ve seen from her this evening. Crystal-like tears shimmer in her eyes as she claps along with the crowd. Summer slips an arm around her mother before resting her head against the older woman’s shoulder.

I can’t resist thinking that their family has been through so much in such a short period of time. Moving to Hawthorne hasn’t been easy. This evening and the friendship Jasper is extending feels almost like a turning point in their story. For the second time tonight, I’m blown away by this newfound maturity on display.

Where was this guy during our entire relationship?

I can only marvel at this improved version of Jasper.

Even though Austin doesn’t want the attention, I think this is exactly what he needs in order to gain more acceptance in this town.

With an encouraging smile, I meet his gaze. “You should go up there.”

“Why? I hate this kind of stuff,” he grumbles. “I’d much rather stay here. Near the exit in case a quick getaway becomes necessary.”

“I know, but everyone is clapping, and they’re not going to stop until you give them what they want.” I turn before poking my finger into his hard chest. “And what they want is you.”

His brows lower. “I refuse to give a speech.”

“Then don’t. Just wave and say thank you for the kind words. Tell them how happy you are to be in Hawthorne.”

A glint of humor ignites in his eyes. “So…what you’re saying is that I should lie?”

I grin. “Pretty much. I think this is Jasper’s way of extending an olive branch. It’s important to meet him halfway.”

“Fine.” He huffs before adding reluctantly, “But be warned, if this goes sideways, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

I nod and squeeze his arm. “Fair enough.” Although, that’s not going to happen, so I have nothing to worry about.

With one final look, he steps around me before reluctantly making his way through the crowd toward the narrow stage.

Jasper flashes a grin as he walks up the short staircase to the platform. As soon as Austin is within striking distance, the other boy throws an arm around his brawny body, tugging him close.

“I’m going to let you all in on a little secret,” he says, voice ringing out as the audience grows silent.

It’s almost impressive, the way Jasper can command the crowd. Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised. This is how he’s always been with his peers. I just didn’t realize his charisma extended to grown adults.

“When Austin first arrived at Hawthorne Prep, I’m ashamed to admit that I was reluctant to give him a chance both in school and on the field.”

I glance around and realize that almost everyone is paying attention. A tremor slides through me and I run my hands over my bare flesh.

“It might have taken a while, but I think the two of us have finally come to a place of understanding. I’m confident in saying that with Austin on the team, there’s no way he won’t lead us through playoffs and then on to the state championship game next month!” He pats Austin on the chest. “Have you seen this guy in action?”


