Prince of Hawthorne Prep Read Online Jennifer Sucevic

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Sports, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 95950 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 480(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

After this evening, I’ll be free to do whatever I want. I can finally stop holding myself back from the person I truly want to be with. That’s been the hardest part of this week.


I give myself a quick mental shake and refocus on the boy at my side.

“Sorry,” I mutter, heat stinging my cheeks. “No, there’s not.”

Jasper spears a look in the same direction and finds the person who has captured my attention. My fingers bite into the delicate stem of the flute as I steel myself for his reaction. Even though he’s done a complete one eighty this week, I can’t help but expect something small and innocuous to shove him over the edge.

With a shrug, he flashes a smile. “You can’t blame me for trying.”

That’s all it takes for the tension filling me to dissolve. “I really do hope we can remain friends.”

His smile widens as he opens his arms. “How about one last hug?”

Relieved that he’s handling our breakup like an adult, I step into his embrace as he presses a kiss to my cheek.

“Of course, we’ll always be friends,” he says, hands trailing up and down my back.

Just as I grow uncomfortable, his arms fall away, and he takes a step in retreat.

“I should probably go. Dad wants me to make a speech about how the funds raised tonight will benefit the students…blah, blah, blah.”

Relief floods through me that not only is this conversation over, but so is our relationship.

“No problem. I’m sure you’ll kill it.”

“That’s the plan.”

With a wink, he saunters away, disappearing through the thick crowd.


“Hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us tonight.”

Benedict’s voice booms into a microphone on the makeshift stage situated at the far end of the living room in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He’s flanked on one side by his wife, Kristina. She smiles adoringly at him before glancing over the crowd and waving to a few friends. Jasper stands with one hand shoved casually into the pocket of his pants on the other side. All three resemble blond Barbie dolls with perfect hair, skin, and bodies. Behind them is Mr. Pembroke in a rumpled suit along with the board members of Hawthorne Prep.

I slip my phone from my little black purse and sneak a peek at the screen. We’ve been here for almost two hours and it’s after ten o’clock. I glance around for Mom, hoping she’ll be ready to leave as soon as the speeches are wrapped up. Although, who knows when that will be. These are people who enjoy listening to themselves talk.

“You look really beautiful,” a deep voice says near the outer shell of my ear.

That’s all it takes for a shiver to dance down my spine as his warm breath feathers across my skin.

“Thank you.” I twist just enough to meet his burning gaze. The intensity shining from within his eyes sends my belly into freefall.

Benedict’s voice fades to the background as we continue to stare.

After a minute or two, he shifts his attention to the stage. “Looks like your boyfriend is about to speak.”


Not anymore.

So badly do I want to blurt out the truth and clear the air between us.

But how can I do that when I made a promise to Jasper?

A few more hours and I’ll be free of this.

Of him.

An idea takes root inside my head. Instead of leaving the event with Mom, maybe Austin and I can go somewhere quiet and talk. I can explain everything that happened this week, and we can figure out where we go from here.

I want to move forward with him. The week I spent avoiding Austin has only made me crave his company more. I don’t think I could hold out past this evening.

I lift a finger to my lips. “Shhh. What he’s about to say is important. You’ll want to hear this.” I’m joking, of course.

When he snorts, a smile simmers around the edges of my lips. It takes everything I have inside to contain it.

“Like my father mentioned, we’d like to thank everyone tonight for their generous donations. Every little bit makes a difference.” Jasper places a hand against his chest as he casts a sweeping glance over the silent crowd. His voice projects to those in the back. “As a student who’s had the great privilege of attending Hawthorne Prep, I’m able to see firsthand how these funds enrich the lives of both the students and staff.”

“Don’t you think he’s laying it on a bit thick?”

My soon-to-be ex has always been an amazing public speaker. He probably didn’t write a single word, just got up there to wing it. The guy has a lot of great qualities, and I really hope the change I’ve seen in him this week is permanent.

“If you asked any student, former student, or staff member, they’d tell you that one of the most unique things about Hawthorne Prep is that at the heart of it, we’re one big, happy family. Once you’ve walked through those hallowed halls, you become a part of the tradition and the institution itself. A little piece of you will always remain there, and I’d like to think that our beloved Hawthorne Prep will live on within us long after we walk through the doors on graduation day for the last time. It’s the solid foundation our futures will be built on. This year, we were lucky enough to welcome back two members of the Hawthorne community whose descendants founded both the town and the school.”


