Owning It Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Metropolis #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Metropolis Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 87921 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“But it was worth it. You know it was. I think we’ve learned you like sucking dick just as much as I do.”

“Oh yeah.” I wink at him before I head to the bathroom to get ready. When I’m finished, I go back into Derek’s room. He never covered up again, his soft dick lying in his neatly trimmed pubes. Why do I have to go to work again?

He doesn’t open his eyes, and I lean over the bed and press a quick kiss to his lips. “Your mouth tastes like mint. Mine still tastes like your come. I win.” He smiles, half-asleep, still not looking at me.

“You always win, boy. Go back to sleep. I’ll call you after I’m done with Zane and Steph. Frankie wants to go with us to Pump tonight.” It’ll be the first time we’ve all gone out despite Frankie and Derek’s friends pleading with us.

“Are you sure you can go?” His eyes flutter open and he almost looks sad. “I mean…if you’re going to be with Zane and Steph…they might want to do something with you or Zane might want to come over again. I can make myself scarce for the weekend if I need to. You don’t have to babysit me.”

I frown. “I know that.” It’s been a strange few weeks. I haven’t spent as much time with Zane as I could and I’ve felt a little guilty for that. Plus, I’m down to one visit a week with my mom. When I’m with them, it’s like Derek doesn’t exist—especially when Zane is over, which makes me feel a whole different kind of guilt. “I’m with you because I want to be with you. Because I like talking to you and holding you and owning your ass. Not because I feel like I have to babysit you. Plus, Zane has plans tonight with some of his friends.”

Derek nods, but he still looks a little sad so I lean over and give him another kiss. “Daddy can’t wait to take his boy out tonight.”

“You better say that.” This time he smiles before rolling to his side and that fucking quickly, he’s asleep again. Chuckling, I make my way out of his place and head to the firehouse to work my partial shift.

It’s crazy as fuck, of course. Frankie and I get call after call. When it hits eleven and I have to leave, I feel like shit. “Sorry to leave you with Thompson. He’s not as good as me.”

Frankie rolls his eyes at me. “I think I’ll be okay. I’m just…” He shrugs. “It’s good to see you having some fun. You haven’t picked up one extra shift the past few weeks. You need that, man.”

His words make my gut twist slightly. He’s right. I haven’t taken any extra work. Him mentioning it makes all my responsibilities start to rain down on me. I’m supposed to be trying to put money away to help Zane and Mom, but I sure as shit haven’t been doing that.

“You fucker. Don’t start feeling guilty. You’re making yourself important too. That’s not a bad thing.” He nods toward my Jeep. “Now get the fuck out of here. I’ll meet you and your boy tonight.” Frankie jogs toward our bus to restock before I can reply.

I make my way to the Jeep, determined not to let that shit bother me today. I’m going to have a good afternoon with my son, and then I’m going to have a good night with Derek. All the other shit can wait.

I have to hurry home to shower and get ready. Once I’m done, I make a quick sweep of the apartment to make sure nothing of Derek’s is out just as there’s a knock on the apartment door and it pushes open.

“You ready, Dad?” Zane asks as he steps inside.

“Yep. Are you ready? Jesus, you start college next week. That makes me feel old as hell.”

“You are old as hell.” He winks at me, and I playfully pull him into a headlock.

“Young enough to take you.” We wrestle around. Steph walks in chuckling about how we’re both big kids. They grab a drink of water and then we head back downstairs to Steph’s car so she can drive us to the school. It’s a freshman welcome with a last-minute tour and a few other things. We don’t finish there until six and then the three of us head to a local brewery for dinner.

“I can’t believe we have a son in college,” Steph says as we wait for our food.

“Yeah, me either. I don’t feel old enough.” The truth is, I don’t. I’ve always felt older than I am. I sure as shit look older than I am but lately…I just don’t feel it. There isn’t a doubt in my mind it’s because of Derek. He’s always been wild and reckless, a representation of freedom and I feel that way too when I’m around him.


