My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

“Okay, I think this could work.” I look over to Rebecca. “What’s going on with John, anyway? Anything new happen?”

“He’s going on a golfing weekend with the boys in a few weeks.” She widens her eyes.

“Do you think he is?”

“Who fucking knows, but I figure that I’m not getting laid, so someone else must be. He’s too highly sexed to just go cold turkey like this.”

“You actually think he’s cheating?” I ask.

“I don’t know.” She sighs sadly. “It’s all I can think about, though. He always works late, and I thought it was just because he’s a surgeon, but what if it’s not?”

“I’m sorry.” I take her hand over the table. “I’m sure it’s going to work out.”

“Hide an Apple AirTag in his car,” Chloe says.


“Hook up an Apple AirTag to your phone and hide it in his car. That way, if you do have suspicions on whether he’s at work or not, you can see it in black and white.”

“I don’t want to be sneaky and deceitful,” Rebecca replies.

“If I had suspicions my husband was fucking other women”—Chloe shrugs—“I’d do it.”

“You just concentrate on snagging Dr. Grayson,” I snap. “You can be so insensitive sometimes. This isn’t just some guy she’s banging. This is her husband, Chloe.”

“Speaking of a guy you’re banging—” Rebecca points to my phone on the table. A message has just come in.


A thrill runs through me at seeing his name light up my screen.

I click it open.

Your turn to jump the fence tonight.

I smile goofily.

“What does it say?” Chloe asks.

“‘Your turn to jump the fence tonight.’” I smile, excited.

“No, play hard to get, remember,” Rebecca reminds me.

“But I want to see him.”

“Then tell him to come to your house,” Chloe says.

“Okay.” I text back.

Come to mine instead.

I see the dots bouncing, and I smile as I wait for his reply.

No, it has to be my house.

I want to introduce you to my swing.

“What?” I whisper. “His dick is way too big for a fucking sex swing.”

“He has a sex swing?” Chloe gasps. “Oh, fuck me dead. I always wanted to try one of those. I am so living vicariously through you right now.”

I text back.

That’s not happening.

“Why did you write that?” Chloe gasps.

“He’ll break me in fucking half,” I gasp. “Have you seen his dick?”

“No, but I want to,” Chloe replies. “Can you take a photo of it tonight?”

My phone immediately rings. The name Henley lights up the screen.

“Dear lord, he’s calling,” Chloe stammers.

I answer as I try to sound cool. “Hello, Henley.”

“Good afternoon, Miss Drinkwater,” his deep sexy voice replies.

Butterflies swirl in my stomach. Just the sound of his voice does things to me.

I look up to the girls as they hang on my every word, and I get up and walk outside for some privacy.

“Hi.” I smile goofily.

“Hi.” I can tell he’s smiling too.

“Why are you calling me?”

“To get my way.”

I giggle. “Henley . . . we cannot do that.” I lower my voice and look around to see if anyone can hear me.

“Yes, we can.”

I lower my voice to a whisper. “You are too big for me.”

“Nonsense. It’s a perfect fit.”

I feel myself blush. “We need more . . . practice.”

“You actually think I’m going to hurt you?”

“I just . . .” I hesitate.

“You just what?”

“We’re just new at this. Your body is a lot extra . . . I need you to be patient with me.”

He stays silent, and I know he’s considering my request. “I would never hurt you, Juliet.”

“I know.” I smile shyly. “I just want to get to know you better first in a more familiar environment.”

He exhales but stays silent.

“So you’ll jump the fence for me?” I ask hopefully.

“Only for you.”

“I can’t wait,” I gush. “What time?”

“Ten minutes?”

I giggle. “About eight?”

“Okay . . .”

He hangs on the line, and I smile goofily.

“Goodbye, Mr. James.”

“Goodbye, sweet Juliet.”

I hang up and practically float back to the table.

“Well?” the girls ask impatiently.

“I think I won that round; he’s coming over tonight. This hard-to-get thing is actually pretty fun.”

Tap, tap, tap sounds at the back door, and my heart hammers in my chest.

He’s here.

Oh man, will I ever become immune to his gorgeousness?

I open the door in a rush, and there he stands: blue jeans, white T-shirt, dark hair, large shoulders, and a look in his eye that could melt Antarctica.

“Hi,” I whisper nervously.

He steps forward and sweeps me into his arms, his lips taking mine. “I’ve been waiting to kiss you all fucking day,” he murmurs against my lips.

And there it is . . . the nine words that send me into heart palpitations.

“You have?” I smile.

His hands go to my behind, and he drags my hips over his erection, and I feel how hard he already is.

He’s not joking.

I lick his lips. “Are you horny, Mr. James?”

His dark eyes hold mine, and he unzips his jeans and pulls his cock out. “I’ll let you be the judge of that.”


