My Temptation (Kingston Lane #1) Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Kingston Lane Series by T.L. Swan

Total pages in book: 130
Estimated words: 131728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 527(@250wpm)___ 439(@300wpm)

What the fuck?

My eyes flick to Henley. “No. He did not.”

My blood boils. He’s taking Taryn on a date . . . since fucking when?

“I’ve actually got a lot going on this week,” Henley replies. “We’ll have to reschedule.”

“That’s okay,” Mason replies. “Juliet and I don’t need chaperones; we can go alone. Can’t we?”

Two can play that game, asshole.

“Sure we can,” I reply. “Can’t wait, Mason.”

Henley looks at me deadpan, and I smile sweetly. You are a fuckface.

Bona fide.

“Here I am,” Taryn says in a singsong voice from the doorway. We all turn to see her in tiny cutoff denim shorts and a white bikini top. Her boobs are huge and perfect.

“It seems I don’t have any old clothes either,” she says sexily.

Or any self-respect.

I really should have bought some chloroform for my tool kit.

“Hope I’m not too distracting, boys.” She laughs.

Henley’s eyes dance with mischief as he smiles at me. “I have good news, Taryn,” he says.

“What’s that?” she says as she picks up a paintbrush.

“We’re going on a double date with Mason and Juliet in a couple of weeks.”

“Oh goody.” She jumps up and down, and her boobs bounce around like jelly.

Give me a fucking break. I stare at him deadpan, and he winks playfully.

You are going to die, fucker.

“Oh, I love this white, Juliet,” Taryn says as she paints a little. “This is going to be the best house on Kingston Lane.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I reply.

You may be buried in the backyard under the rosebush soon.

I grit my teeth as I continue to paint. I shouldn’t complain. I should be grateful.

Three very generous people are helping me paint my house.

A man who wants me to go on a date with him.

A man who I’m trying to make fall in love with me.

And a roller-skating sexiest woman alive who is putting on a private Penthouse Pet painting show.

Fuck my life.

“Okay, so what happens then?” Chloe asks.

“I don’t know. This is a one-day-at-a-time operation.” I shrug.

Chloe, Rebecca, and I are having coffee to strategize my disaster of a love life.

“So let me get this straight,” Rebecca replies. “You told him that you don’t want anything but sex, but you secretly do, and he agreed to it.”

“Correct.” I nod as I sip my coffee. I think for a moment. “But now he’s pissed that Mason is hanging around, so he thought he would play games and arrange a double date with Taryn and me and him.”

They both frown. “What?”

“The man is the biggest smart-ass I know.” I roll my eyes. “And the hottest.”

“Good?” Rebecca asks.


“So what’s this about a double date?”

“After the bonfire Henley came over to my house, and I was pissed about him talking to Taryn all night.”

Rebecca cuts me off. “Rightly so.”

“Me and him are getting into it over that, and he tells me I have no right to be jealous and being all righteous, and he was pissing me off. Then in the middle of our fight, Mason turns up, and Henley hid in the cupboard under the stairs.”

Chloe frowns as she listens. “Right . . .”

“Mason asks me out, and I know Henley can hear everything we are saying, and I was still angry with him after his I-can’t-be-jealous-over-Taryn comment, so I said yes with no intention of actually going. But then Henley saw him and to one-up me, he organized a double date with Taryn,” I blurt out in a rush.

“Jeez, this is getting complicated,” Rebecca replies as she holds her temples.

“Oh, you think?” I stammer. “This is one colossal fuckup.”

“It’s too soon. You don’t have him locked in enough yet to be going on double dates with other people. What happens if Taryn makes a move on him? And we know she will. What are you going to do then? Are you going to kiss Mason to get him back?” Chloe says.

I drag my hand down my face as I consider this possibility. “True. I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“And what happens if this Mason thing gets all too hard and Henley thinks ‘fuck it’ and walks away and does actually go for Taryn? He’s got baggage, remember, and you are at a very fragile point in this relationship,” Rebecca replies.

“It isn’t even a relationship yet.” I put my head in my hands. “Ugh, you’re completely right. I didn’t think this through at all. Why am I such a smart-ass?”

“I know what to do,” Chloe says. “Put the date off for a while. Don’t say never, but pretend to have things on this weekend. That way you will get some more time with him alone, but he still knows it may happen in the future.”

“Yes,” Rebecca gasps. “Perfect. That way he’s still on notice of you trading him in.”

I roll my eyes. “Henley James would never be traded in.”

“Don’t let him know that.”


