Moments of Mayhem (The Hunters #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hunters Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 312(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

He groans, and my hand moves without me thinking. I slide it up my thigh, under my dress, and the minute I do, he pulls away from me and puts the knife to my neck. “No touching.”

I nod and remove my hand, letting it rest at my side.

His shirt is still on, and I think that’s mainly for my benefit, being bloody and all. His cock is out, and his trousers sit on his hips as he steps behind me. “This dress.” His hand slides down my back before it moves back up and grips my ponytail. He pulls it, making my head snap back. “I like to look in those fucking eyes,” he says and leans down, touching his lips to mine. His tongue darts inside my mouth and is gone in a blink.

I look up at him and feel something sharp at my back. “I’d stay still if I were you.” The back of my dress is lifted away from my neck, and I feel cold metal against my skin before I hear the sound of material being cut.

“Are you cutting my dress?” I ask, shocked but too afraid to move.

“Maybe you should go back to your old attire.”


He huffs behind me and cuts it all the way down my back. I feel cool air against my heated flesh as he says, “Remove it and stay where you are.”

I pull the material at my shoulders, and the dress comes off easily. Now I’m naked and on my knees with him behind me. And he’s still dressed with his cock standing tall.

“I—” Before I can get anything else out, he pulls my ponytail again, my head snapping back until I see him.

His eyes are on me. He leans down. “Stay still,” he whispers, his lips touching mine. And that’s when I feel the knife at my throat. My lips freeze as his tongue slides against mine. I can feel a prick of pain as he kisses me, but it’s barely there. When he pulls away, he says, “Close your eyes.” My eyelids fall shut at his command.

“Open your eyes.” I see him standing in front of me. His phone is still between my legs, playing the video of me as if it’s on repeat. “Tell me what you want,” he says as he steps back and leans on the counter. I wiggle again because I need relief very badly. “Good girls get rewarded when they use their words.”

“I need to be touched.”

“So touch yourself.” He motions to the space between my legs.


“Do it.”

Fuck it! I slide my hand between my legs and do precisely what he wants. I’m wet, and I start grinding on my hand to keep up the friction.

“That will do,” he says. Then he spins and, in one swift movement, swipes everything from my counter until it’s bare. “Get on and spread your legs.” I stand on shaky legs and wobble over. Facing him, I put my hands back and lift myself up, and then I scoot back a little farther until I’m seated and my legs hang off the side of the counter.

“Lie back.”

I lie flat and spread my legs, and before I can take my next breath, his hot mouth is at my pussy. He slides his tongue from top to bottom before I feel it slip into my entrance. I groan and moan simultaneously, not even recognizing myself as he continues to feast on me.

He pushes two fingers inside me, and I feel it when he moves them in the perfect rhythm. It isn’t long before I’m squeezing his head between my legs to slow down the orgasm that’s assaulting me. It won’t stop, and neither does he. He keeps going, tasting me, fucking me with his mouth until I scream. And that’s when I feel his tongue leave me, followed by his fingers.

But then, seconds later, I feel his cock at my entrance.

Teasing me.

Sliding the tip in and out.

“Kenzo,” I whine.


When I look at him, he’s watching us, his eyes on what he’s doing between us.

“What are you looking at?” I ask.

“Your fucking pussy milking my cock,” he replies, slamming into me, and I scream again. This time, he chuckles, actually chuckles. I think it’s the first time I’ve heard him do that. He keeps thrusting, in and out, no knife in his hand any longer—thank God.

His hands grip my waist, holding me in place, and he fucks me hard. I’ve had sex before. But the way his cock fills me so perfectly, all I can do is scream in response.

And that’s all it takes for him to smile.

Before he pulls me off the counter, spins me around, and fucks me some more.



This fucking ass.

What a perfect ass.

Did she really think she could tease me and get away with it?

“Um…” She looks over her shoulder at me, and I slap her ass hard. “You’re bleeding,” she says between heavy breaths. I tear my gaze from her ass to see a few small dots of blood on the floor. Fuck. Hold the fuck on.


