Moments of Mayhem (The Hunters #3) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Hunters Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62497 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 312(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“You should put that back.” I hear him say.

This man must have a really good surveillance system.

“What do you use them for?”

“You know what I use them for.”

“Do you ever have sex to have sex?”

“No, because it doesn’t get me off,” he replies. “I can get hard, sure, but fucking a woman with no blood involved…” He doesn’t need to finish because I already know his answer.


I close the case and put it back. Kicking my shoes off, I climb onto the bed on all fours.

I contemplate what I’m about to do for a moment.

This is silly.

Stupid even.

But fuck him.

I’m not sure exactly where the camera is located, but I couldn’t care less. I lie down on my stomach and slowly turn around. I teasingly grip the edge of the dress I wore to work. There’s a red light blinking from the corner of my eye, and now I know where the camera is positioned. I refuse to look directly at it and instead close my eyes and hike my dress up even more slowly until it reaches the top of my G-string. I hook my thumbs on either side of the panties and start to slide them down.

I don’t know if he’s still watching, but my guess is he is. And what I’m doing should have no effect on him. After all, he only gets off with blood.

His words.

Not mine.

As soon as my G-string is off and bunched in my hand, I spread my legs and run my palm down my stomach until it reaches where I’m exposed. My fingers slip through my folds, and my other hand grabs my boob over my dress. I arch my back as I rub my thumb over my clit, and then… I stop.

Snapping my legs shut, I get off the bed, pull my dress down, and wave to the camera as I walk out.

The dog is waiting for me at the door.

I pet him before I leave, and he gives me a sloppy lick up my leg.

When I walk into my apartment, I expect to see him.

I mean, I did just give him a show.

But, as he said, it does nothing for him.

I expect him to tell me not to do that again. Instead, I find him standing there, dark eyes locked on me as if he isn’t injured.

“On your fucking knees.” His words send a shiver through me. The anger takes me aback but also the demand in the way he said it—like he’s holding himself back. “Did I stutter?” His head tilts to the side, and his lips thin into a straight line as he waits for me to answer.

“Why would I do that?” I ask, my hand rising to rest on my hip.

“Because you proved your point. Now… Get. On. Your. Fucking. Knees. I’m not telling you again.”

At first, I think about not doing what he says, because fuck him.

I heard what he said to Kyson earlier.

But then, my girly parts start pulsing with excitement, and I know I will give in.

What can he give me?

What can he do for me?

It’s been so long since I’ve let a man touch me. Or even touched myself. Today in his room was the first time in a long time.

I drop to my knees like a good girl.

He’s fully dressed and standing tall. I lick my lips as he steps away from the counter, and it’s then I notice what he has in his hand—a damn knife. I move to get up, to run away, but his hand holding the knife lands on my shoulder and keeps me on my knees.

“Now you’re scared?” he asks in a mocking tone.

He leans down, holds his phone in front of me, and presses play. The video is of me, on his bed, touching myself. And I look…hot. Is that really me? “You think you can do that…” he pauses, “on my fucking bed?” he questions.

I can’t take my eyes off of myself.

I can hear what he’s saying, but I can’t stop watching.

His hand lifts my chin, and he steps around me until he’s in front of me. “Undo me.” His eyes lock on mine, and in this lighting, they almost seem as black as obsidian. But I know better because they only darken when he’s mad. When I don’t answer, he says it again, “Undo me.” He taps his belt buckle with the blade of the knife.

With surprisingly steady hands, I unbuckle his belt. The button comes undone easily, and I lower his zipper. And then the head of his cock is free, and I wiggle on my knees to close my legs because I left my panties in his bedroom.

“Now, kiss it.” I do as he commands, my hands staying at my sides as I lean forward. “A little wider.” I do as requested, and open my mouth wider. My lips tingle as the tip goes into my mouth, but not far enough that it slides all the way in. “Kiss it with your tongue.” I wiggle my ass to stop the pulsing between my legs as I circle the tip of his cock with my tongue.


