Lock Me Out – The Locked Duet Read Online Cassandra Hallman

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, BDSM, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 95453 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 382(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

Her eyes are closed. She doesn’t want to look at me. I can’t blame her—I can barely face my own reflection most days.

“There can’t be a next time. This can’t go on.” Her voice is small, almost far away. Probably all that screaming she just did. “He needs to know. You can’t expect me to lie to him forever.”

“Let me worry about that,” I tell her as she rubs life back into her wrists. “Just keep your mouth shut about it. Don’t say a word.”

Because I’ll be damned if I’m going to quit her now that I’ve experienced the exquisite pleasure of her body again. My brother has never been somebody who likes to share—neither have I, but this isn’t like sharing a toy when we were kids or childish shit like that. I’m not about to give this up, which I know he’d make me do now that he thinks she’s his.

Let him keep thinking that. The longer he does, the longer I’ll be able to live out every sick, twisted desire she brings to life in me.

She’s still in bed when I try to leave her, trembling, curled in a ball.

Guilt creeps up my spine like a snake. I don’t like seeing her like this after sex. It reminds me of how much of a monster I truly am.

I know she enjoyed at least part of this, but she is confused because it was with me and not Colt. At least, that’s my conclusion.

“Do you need something?” I ask like an idiot.

“I need you to leave and not come back,” she tells me in a stern voice.

“I know you came around my cock, so don’t pretend this was so bad.”

“You are delusional,” she responds, curling into herself even more.

I grind my teeth together before going into the attached bathroom to get a wet rag. When I come back into the bedroom, she has gotten up from bed and is quickly putting her tank top back on.

“Let me at least clean you up before you put your bottoms back on.”

“What a gentleman,” she quips sarcastically, but when I come closer, she sits back down on the bed and spreads her legs for me so I can clean her up.

As soon as I’m done, she shoves me away so she can grab her pajama pants from the floor. She puts them on quickly while looking anywhere except at me.

“Don’t be mad at yourself.”

“I’m mad at you, not at myself,” she tells me, fresh tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I say honestly, making her laugh humorlessly.

She crosses her arms over her chest. “No, you’re not. You don’t care about my feelings or you wouldn’t constantly hurt me.”

“I am sorry I’m hurting you, but I can’t control myself when it comes to you. I want you more than I want anything else. I know I’m a monster. I know I’m fucked up inside and out. But I also know part of you wants me too.” And that’s the part I have to hold onto.



Something is wrong.

There’s a weird charge in the air when I get home after another study session. I feel it throughout my body, can almost taste it as I step into the kitchen. Like the feeling before a thunderstorm.

“Leni?” I ask, my voice echoing in the otherwise silent space. “Where are you?”

“Be right out!” There’s a strange sound to her voice. It’s too loud, too bright.

“I brought you something,” I call out, holding up a bag where two pints of ice cream wait to be devoured. “I wasn’t sure what flavor you’d want, so I figured I’d eat what you don’t want. But if you don’t come out from wherever you’re hiding, I’m taking both.”

Finally, she answers from the bedroom. “Be right there!”

Rather than take the ice cream to her, I put it in the freezer for later, wondering why she sounds so off. Maybe I’m misunderstanding. Maybe she is planning something naughty. What does she have in mind? I can’t wait to find out. My cock is twitching as I follow her voice to the bedroom, wondering what she’ll be wearing when I find her.

She’s not in a sexy outfit, waiting in bed. If anything, she looks annoyed when I come in, frowning and everything. “I said I’d be right out.”

Yeah, something’s wrong, and instead of my brain being full of hot, tempting images, there’s nothing but ugliness now. “What’s going on?” I ask, noticing the balled-up sheets in one corner of the room. She’s stripping the bed. Why would she need to do that?

“Stop what you’re doing,” I demand while she pulls the case off a pillow. “Now. Fucking stop.”

She flinches, but does go still instead of continuing with the bed. The pillow she was stripping is now in front of her, with her arms wrapped around it. “What’s wrong?” she asks, still staring at the bed. Her damp hair hangs along the sides of her face. Fuck, she even took a shower.


