Fluke – Carmichael Family Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85484 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 427(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

“It feels really unfair to return your sentiments when it’s a dead-end road,” I say softly.

“But do you feel the same way?”

There’s a hopefulness embedded in his curiosity that hits me in the heart.

“Does it matter?” I ask him. “I mean, really? Because for me, sharing how I feel with you now that I know how you feel would be like winning a ticket to paradise and knowing it’s closed.”

His chest rumbles with a suppressed chuckle.

“I don’t think this is funny,” I say.

“Sit up.”

Huh? “Why?”

“Sit up,” he says, nudging me.

I press off him, pulling the sheet up and tucking it under my arms to hold it up. It’s a childish act of defiance. But if he wants to be bossy, I’ll keep a little control, thank you very much.

He smirks, amused with my antics. “Let me make sure I understand what you’re saying.”


“You feel the same way about me as I feel about you.” I lift a brow. “But for some reason, you think that you can deny all of that because you’ve conjured up some imaginary reason in your pretty little head that would make us impossible long-term?”

“Well,” I say, shrugging nonchalantly. “It really sounds simple when you put it like that.”

He laughs. “Because it is simple.”

“No, it’s not. You’re oversimplifying a complicated topic.”

“Okay, says the woman who decided she was some kind of a seer who can predict the future.”

I smack his leg.

He watches me with a cocky, thoughtful grin. I have no idea where this is going or what he’s thinking, but I know that the look on his face makes me want to sit on it.

Not now, Pippa. Focus.

“Once we settle this,” he says, pointing at me, “I want to know what thought just crossed your mind.”

“Okay, says the man who decided he was some kind of a mind reader.”

He knows he caught me, but he lets it go. “How about this—you give me this week, since we’re together anyway, and let me show you how good things between us can be?”

My stomach knots.

“Let me have a chance,” he says, his eyes shining. “At least give me a fair shot at winning you over.”

Oh, Jess. You already have.

I want to launch my body on top of his and have him hold me. I need to feel the warmth of his skin and the softness of his touch—the safety I only feel in his arms.

If I do those things, I’m giving in. But just how bad would giving in truly be?

My defenses are down. I’m in a state of post-orgasmic vulnerability that I know is dangerous. But when I take in his green eyes that beg me to give him a chance, I realize that orgasm or not—I’m fucked.

Jess is the only man I’ve ever thought I could be with wholeheartedly. He’s the guy who makes my heart skip a beat every time I see him—the one who makes any situation seem manageable.

There’s something special between us. I’ve always known it. And maybe it can’t last forever, but maybe I deserve to enjoy the beauty of it for a few days.

Besides, could I be any more in love with him than I already am?

This is going to hurt when it’s over.

And it will be over. I could never deprive this beautiful, amazing, caring man of having a family. That’s what it would be—depriving him. I just couldn’t do that.

“I already told you I’d give you a week,” I say.

He shakes his head. “No, you agreed to a week for fun. I want seven days. But considering the whole couples retreat, I’m your ex-husband scenario, I want you to give me seven days where you’re playing the part of my girlfriend.”

I blink.

“Date me,” he says. “Not as a show for other people because I could give a shit what anyone else thinks. But for one week, tell yourself that you and I are a thing. Let me treat you like you’re mine. Pretend we’re in a real relationship. Give me that.”

Oh shit. I gulp, knowing I’m in too far—but also in too far to back out.

“I’m serious,” he says. “I want a real chance to make you fall for me.”

“What do I get out of this?” I ask, unable to hide the unsteadiness in my tone.

He grins. “Besides the obvious?”

I look at him like I’m unimpressed.

“Fine. You get to walk away at the end of the week without me mentioning this again.”

He holds my gaze, silently pleading with me to say yes—to go along with his plan. And even though I know in the bottom of my gut that this is probably akin to emotional suicide, I can’t say no.

I can’t deny myself the opportunity to be loved by him—even if only for a week.

I lick my lips, watching as his eyes light up. “Fine. But I have one more condition.”


