Faking It Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Metropolis #1)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Metropolis Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82250 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

“Good,” Martin replies before we make our way into the restaurant. There were times when we were kids that the three of us didn’t get along—or I guess, I felt out of place with them, which really, I was. They’re blond like Dad, look like him when there’s no way I ever could since it wasn’t his swimmers that made me. That’s not something we talk about, though. We pretend it’s not the truth. The older we’ve gotten, the closer we’ve gotten as well. I wouldn’t have anyone who shared my blood and also gave a shit about me if it wasn’t for them.

We’re seated, and they order sweet tea while I get a beer.

“How’s work?” Malcolm asks.

“Good. I have some things going on. There’s a real possibility I could get my own place soon.” The words make me sit up a little taller, feel a little more responsible.

“You know we wouldn’t mind helping you with that, Trav. I don’t know why you don’t let us lend you the money to—” My body stiffens, and I give Martin a hard look that makes him add, “I’d understand it more if it was Mom and Dad’s money, but it’s ours. Still, I respect you wanting to do it on your own. Forget I said anything.”

“Yeah, but it came from your inheritances, so it’s still from them.” This isn’t the first time they’ve tried to lend me money. I won’t take it. I’ll continue on the way I am now or work for someone else before I do that. It’s different earning it from Steven than having my brothers hand it over to me in pity because our parents are homophobes.

“It’s good you’re looking into options. I have no doubt you’ll figure it out.” He’s also just trying to make me feel better, and I let him.

The waitress returns and takes our order. I get a fucking salad because I definitely need to keep my ass in shape if I might be stripping at Flirt for the fundraiser.

When the waitress leaves, it’s Martin who speaks again. “I’m going to ask Liz to marry me,” he says. Malcolm’s eyes go wide, likely because he probably assumed he’d be the first one to marry. I obviously won’t.

“Congrats,” Malcolm finally says.

“Why?” I ask.

“Jesus, Travis.” Malcolm shakes his head, but he’s smiling.

“It’s a good question if you ask me.”

“Because he loves her, you jackass,” Malcolm replies.

“Love makes you stupid.” They both look at me with eyes that tell me to shut up, so I hold up my hands in defeat. “I’m kidding. Congratulations.” I still don’t get why you can’t love someone yet not want to marry them, though. When I think of marriage, I think of our parents. They get along, but they sure as shit don’t look crazy about each other.

“Her birthday is coming up in a few weeks—first week in July. We’re having a party at the Hartley Inn. Mom and Dad will be there—her family, our friends.” Martin looks at me. “And both my brothers.”

Oh, fuck. I should have seen this coming. “I appreciate the offer.…Was that an offer by the way? It didn’t sound like one. I’m going to have to decline, though.” I didn’t even hear a peep from her after her birthday when I left the flowers. Not that I expected to. Even though I didn’t leave a card, there isn’t a part of me that doesn’t believe she knew they were from me.

“You should be there,” Martin tells me.

“They hate me. Why would you want me there? It will just make things awkward. It’s not fair to you, and it sure as shit isn’t fair to Liz.”

“Because the two of you are my best friends, and I want you there. Because Mom and Dad need to get over this shit. Because none of it should fucking matter. Because I’m tired of seeing you alone when the family gets together. Because if Liz says yes, you sure as shit will be at my wedding, considering you’ll be standing beside me with Malcolm as my best men. Are those enough reasons for you?” Martin asks with a smile—the fucker.

“Shit.” I groan and run a hand through my hair. “You have to go and get all sentimental, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he answers simply.

The truth is, I want to be there, but I don’t know if I can be…. “I won’t ever be anyone other than myself. I won’t ever be who they want me to be. I won’t lie for them. I won’t hide who I am from Liz’s family and friends.”

“She knows you’re gay, Trav. She doesn’t give a shit. If she did, I wouldn’t be asking her to marry me.”

My pulse speeds up and my chest feels full. “You sappy motherfucker.”

“You got him, Martin. There’s no way he can say no to that,” Malcolm adds and as much as I want to kill both of them…I’m thankful for them too.


