Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Furi was snapped out of the beast's trance when Syn popped him on the ass. His face flushed when he noticed everyone staring at him. “It’s beautiful artwork,” Furi admitted.

“Glad to know,” Day said. “But I asked you if your ex has approached you since he cornered you in the alley?”

“No, I’m always with my business partner or Syn. So no, I only get calls and texts,” Furi answered.

“Forward those to me ASAP. I’ll call Valerie in the morning. It’ll be handled, I promise you. Syn, in the meantime, make sure Furi has everyone’s personal cell programmed into his phone,” Day said. Furi was beginning to see why Syn thought so highly of his bosses.

“Tomorrow’s Sunday. Magistrate Jones probably won’t be in until Monday,” Syn said, the frustration clear in his tone.

“Magistrates work twenty-four hours and she covers most Sundays. So it works,” Ronowski added.

“For fuck’s sake, Ro. Go put on some goddamn clothes. The moment's over, man,” Syn grated out.

Everyone laughed as Syn and Furi got up to leave. Ronowski was slinking out of the room, walking backwards with his hand over his junk.

God clasped Syn on his shoulder. “You are not to try to handle this on your own. You got that?”

Syn stared for several seconds, neither man looking away. “I got it,” Syn finally spoke. Furi let loose a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Damn, there was a shitload of testosterone in this room.

Syn turned to his other Lieutenant. “Thanks Day.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow when it’s in effect,” Day answered.

Furi shook Day’s hand and voiced his own gratitude as Syn led him to the back door. “We’ll just leave the way we came in.” Syn was back to teasing his bosses.

“You have a really nice kitchen,” Furi added.

Day threw a potholder at him. “Get the fuck out.”

“Next time knock,” God barked after them.

“Ditto,” Syn yelled back, halfway out the door.

‘Dare I Say This is Love’

Syn’s hands were everywhere when he opened the door and they fell into the apartment. Furi was rough and demanding as usual, but it was multiplied exponentially. Furi kicked the door shut and pushed Syn back against it, then slammed his taut chest into him, pinning him in place. Syn’s breath left him with an oomph when his back connected with the wood of the door.

Syn laughed roughly against Furi’s neck while he ate at his throat. “I hope it wasn’t seeing God half naked that has you this worked up.”

Furi pulled back and looked at him with complete solemnity before speaking in a rough voice, “You have me worked up ... you. You make me fuckin’ crazy. That shit you did tonight was reckless. You had me scared shitless for a while.”

Furi stopped talking and took Syn’s face in his hands and licked a slow path across his scratchy cheek. “And you’re about to pay for that, baby.” Furi spun Syn around and pushed his chest against the door.

“Furious,” Syn groaned when he felt his sweater being roughly yanked over his head. Furi’s hand pressed hard into the center of his back, keeping him pinned against the front door. “Yes, punish me.”

Syn froze when Furi’s assault on his body stopped immediately after he said that. Oh no.

Furi’s hair was brushing against Syn’s face as he leaned in to whisper in his ear, “You ever been handcuffed, Sergeant? Restrained.”

Syn shivered, his cock leaking in his tight jeans. “Oh fuck.”

“Don’t fuckin’ move.” Furi ground himself against Syn’s ass for a few seconds, and then he was gone.

Hurry. Syn heard the telltale sound of his steel cuffs being removed from the inside pocket of his leather jacket on the floor. Syn held completely still while his cock twitched with each chime of the metal cuffs. The anticipation was torture and Furi took his time coming back to him. But, when he finally did, Syn wasn’t prepared for Furi’s aggression. One of his arms was yanked behind his back and Syn quickly felt the cool metal clamp around his wrist. Syn’s face and shoulder were pressed against the solid wood while his other arm was gripped and twisted behind him to join the other hand. Furi clamped the second cuff over his other wrist, tight enough that he felt restrained but not so tight that he couldn’t enjoy every second of this.

Syn’s hands were level with Furi’s groin and he couldn’t help but caress the nice-sized bulge in Furi's pants. Furi stepped back and Syn groaned. He’d only be able to touch what Furi allowed him to. “You liked me all nervous tonight, Syn? You liked it when I was crouching down next to you in the dark while you broke into someone’s home?” Syn heard Furi unbuckling his pants and the sound of his zipper could barely be heard over his own panting. “You liked scaring me tonight?” Furi’s voice sounded calm, like a merciless man who would soon have his revenge.


