Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“I hope I’m not interrupting fellas. Furi and I were in the area and thought y’all might be up for a game of Parcheesi,” Syn snorted a laugh. “But it looks like you're already playing a game. One that's much more fun than Parcheesi.” Syn’s voice was like smooth, whipped butter.

“You wanna play too?” Day asked, staring directly at Furi.

Furi hid his face in Syn’s shoulder since he was trying hard not to stare at his boyfriend’s co-workers. But they were all hot as hell. Especially, God. Damn the man was huge and built. All those muscles and tattoos on full display.

“Hell, Day. One cock is sexy. Two cocks, that’s heavenly, but three cocks to play with ... that’s just an embarrassment of riches.”

Day walked over to them and Ronowski had to scramble behind the kitchen island to conceal his nudity. The intent in Day’s sexy gait and gleaming hazel eyes was unmistakable. “Maybe porn puppy wants to put on a little show for us,” Day said standing directly in front of them. Day brought his hand up and ran it through Furi’s long hair.

Syn yanked Furi tighter against him. “Unless you want your hand severed at the wrist, remove it.” Syn’s voice was deadly low.

Although Furi was sure Syn was just joking, it was a major turn on when he showed off his possessive side.

Day narrowed his eyes and stepped back but Furi didn’t miss the smug look.

“How the hell did you get in here? I know the alarm was on,” Day asked.

“Just think of me as the wind,” Syn said, his voice full of sarcasm. God went to the back door and peeked out.

“He cut the wires,” God said, sounding annoyed. “Fucker.”

Syn ignored God and looked at the other two men, embracing each other while watching the exchange with amused expressions. “How are you, Detective Johnson? Fancy seeing you and Ronowski over here at this late hour.”

“Fuck you.” Johnson laughed. “You already knew, so don’t act shocked.”

“I’m not acting shocked. You’re right, I did know. You four are always staring at each other like pieces of prime USDA beef. I’d be a pretty shitty detective if I never noticed.”

“So all of you are, ya know ..." Furi gestured between them with his hands.

“We’re really good friends,” God confirmed and his tone clearly indicated the conversation was over.

“Fuck,” Furi groaned, rubbing his stiffening cock. “That’s fucking wild. Nice piercings by the way fellas.” Both Day and Ronowski had pierced nipples. Day opting for black barbells while Ronowski’s gold ones glowed against his tan skin.

“You got a hot one, don’tcha Sarge?” Ronowski’s beautiful smile could be any man’s undoing. Furi stared at the beautiful naked man and couldn’t stop his own grin from stretching across his face. Imagining all six of them in bed would be way too overwhelming for him, but it made one hell of a visual fantasy.

“Don’t even think about it,” Syn growled.

“You’re gonna replace that panel, fuck face,” God said slamming the back door.

“You got it boss. However, I have a problem and there’s something more important that I need handled first.” Syn suddenly looked serious. The others turned serious as well.

“Anything,” Day spoke up first.

“Name it,” Johnson chimed in. Folding his large arms over his ample chest, listening intently.

Wow. If one has a problem, they all have a problem. Each one ready to join in and take the other's situation on themselves. Exquisite valor.

“The protective order for Furious was denied by Magistrate Henley. Furi is still being stalked and threatened. I’m not underestimating this guy, Day. After the beat down I gave him, he’s still trying to make a move. He’s been watching Furi’s work place and trying to catch him alone. I’m trying to do what’s right and follow the chain of command. I need to protect Furi and my job. If he touches Furi, I’ll find him and I’ll kill him.”

Furi shivered at Syn’s directness and intensity. He felt Syn squeeze him tighter, like he couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.

“Alright. First of all, don’t do anything rash. I’ll call Magistrate Jones. I’m sure she’ll grant us the order. In the meantime, do you know where these guys are staying?” Day asked.

“Yeah, Jessup found them for me with the partial plate number that I gave him. They’re at the Mandarin Chateau in West Atlanta,” Syn said.

“Maybe we should pay them a visit,” Johnson said menacingly.

Furi had no doubt the guy could do just as much damage as the others. God turned to look at Johnson and Furi got a glimpse of an extremely large lion’s head tattooed on God’s back. Jesus Christ. It took up the entire left side. The mouth was open wide in mid-roar. The full bushy mane was so detailed it looked like it moved with God’s muscles. Its coloring was its most breathtaking feature; the golden-brown of the mane was mixed with streaks of black and gold. The paws were big and the claws were extended as if it was about to attack. Damn.


