Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

“Aroused,” she admitted, unable to lie to him.

Drake inhaled and smiled. “Sexual compatibility is a pleasurable part of the bond.”

He can smell my desire?

Needing to change the subject, she said, “When the second lock opened, I felt even closer to you. Is that how it affects our bond?”

“The second only you can open. It signals that you trust me. That trust deepens the mating bond. No longer are only our bodies responding to the link between us. Our hearts join the union as well.”

“And the third?”

“The third is voluntary. The mating bond has nothing to do with it,” he told her. “Remember, the third is there in an emergency.”

She nodded, hesitated, then forced herself to ask, “Is the bond the same with all your mates? Am I just your latest fling? Someone to keep you from going mad?”

Tears welled in her eyes to know Drake would have mates after her. It would be even worse if he didn’t and loneliness drove him to the brink of madness or beyond.

Drake drew her closer and kissed her tenderly. Staying close, he tried to reassure her. “Each bond is unique and special because each mate is different. I know it is hard to understand, but I treasure every second with you because I know our time is precious.”

Aurora knew concentrating on the others that had come before her and those who would follow could only bring her heartache and unhappiness. It was best to follow his lead—to enjoy each moment they had together. Slowly, she nodded and smiled.

Drake brushed his fingers through her hair and returned her smile. “It’s time to play, Little one. I have something to show you. You wondered about my collection.”

That image of him in an apron, dusting, dispelled any lingering sadness. Aurora laughed aloud and asked, “You’ll show me?”

“Come on, Little one. Let me show you my treasure room.”

Chapter 8

Drake stood and held his hand out to Aurora. Navigating through one’s mind was difficult for non-dragons. It was even tougher to deal with the emotions of being a mate. He knew she needed something easy to think about—something to distract her. If she continued to revisit that door, it would become easier and easier to get lost in the flashes of light.

When she was on her feet, he cupped her jawline and counseled, “Do not play around in your mind.”

“Another rule?” she asked, grinning at him.

“A warning. I don’t want to lose you,” Drake answered honestly.

“Oh. I don’t think I could do that again without your help. It’s too dark and scary in there. But I promise.”

“Thank you, Little one. Now, your reward. You may select three things from my hoard.”

Leading her by the hand, he led her to the hallway opposite his bedroom. There at a magnificently carved gilt door, he pressed his hand to the clawed pattern in the middle and heard her gasp as he shifted his hand. Levers and wheels sounded inside, and the door swung inward. Lights flared into life above them.

Drake walked inside and waited.

Surprise, amazement, and awe cycled across Aurora’s face as she walked forward. Pride filled Drake. Years ago as a young dragon, his treasure had not been as impressive. Over the centuries that had passed, he had accumulated jewelry and gold coins to create an impressive pile in the center of the room.

He eyed the edges. The coins didn’t quite reach the walls. He would need to work on that.

“Who does this belong to?” Aurora asked, walking forward to turn in a full circle.


“Do you rob banks?” she asked, joking.

“Dragons love treasure. We collect it. We hoard it. Treasure is power.”

“Holy power trips! You’re more powerful than Godzilla.”

When he snorted, she whirled to look at him. “He doesn’t exist, does he?”

“No, Little one. You are quite safe from him.”

He watched her be drawn to the shelves of precious items that ringed the room. One of his mates had organized similar items together. His last had added a full-length mirror. A dragon-sized full-length mirror.

“Choose three items, Little one, as a prize for your bravery.”

She looked back at him with big eyes. “Drake, these are all real. They’re worth billions of dollars. I can’t take three. I can’t take one.”

“You can. I have given them to you.”

Walking to her side, he lifted a precious stone encrusted gold jewelry box from the top shelf and opened it. Lined in velvet, there were many places to protect her treasures. It was perfect.

“This will work to hold everything,” he announced.

“Drake, I think that’s real gold. And those have to be diamonds as crystal doesn’t sparkle like that. Do you know how much that’s worth?”

“Approximately seventy-seven million dollars,” he quoted after assessing the weight of the piece.

“You need a security system in here that rivals Fort Knox. If anyone knew this was here, crooks would be climbing the mountain,” she warned.


