Drake (Fated Dragon Daddies #1) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fated Dragon Daddies Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

Easing her finger pressure from that arousing spot on his body, Aurora allowed him to pull her down to rest on his chest. The thundering beat of his heart made her smile. She liked knowing she’d had a pulse-raising effect on him. Aurora pressed a kiss to his chest.

He hugged her close in response. “Little one…”

When he didn’t add anything else, she closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his hard body below her. His ripped physique was a delight to feel and see. Aurora had dated other men in good shape but nothing like this. His muscles were honed so well.

A thought popped into her mind. “Do you work out?”

“Sometimes. Shifting and flying are a workout in themselves.”

She propped herself up by pressing her palms into the mattress. “I bet. You still probably eat healthy.”

“I eat a lot.” His stomach rumbled.

“All you do is think about food,” she teased.

“And make love to my Little one,” he reminded her.

“Is that what we did?” she asked, unable to leave that statement alone.

“Make love? Definitely. The mate bond between a dragon and his Little one is fierce. There is no way to keep one’s heart from becoming involved.”

Aurora made herself stop from asking him. She could feel something inside herself she’d never felt before. A closeness that defied even her most romantic relationships. Was this love or just the bond?

Tearing her thoughts away as his stomach growled for a second time, she suggested, “How about pancakes for breakfast? I know how to make those.”

“A few stacks of pancakes sound amazing, but you will not cook. That’s my job,” Drake told her sternly.

“Don’t tell me. You have the title of pancake king?”

“King?” He let out a dismissive puff of air. “I’m the pancake dragon!”

She shrieked as he pulled her tight to him and rolled to reverse their positions until she was trapped under him. Rubbing his beard under her chin to tickle her, Drake kept up the torture until she giggled uncontrollably. “What’s my title, Little one?

“Pan—Pancake Dr—Dragon!” she forced from her mouth through her laughter.

“All hail the Pancake Dragon,” he announced with such solemnity that she laughed harder.

“All hail,” she repeated obediently.

Drake rolled again and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her to the shower and turned the water on. Squealing as the cold water pelted her, she tried to run. He held her firmly in his arms but turned his back to the spray, sheltering her as the water heated.

“Let me guess. I can’t eat pancakes dirty?” she teased.

“A total blasphemy.”

Laughing as he washed her, Aurora wondered if it could always be like this. She crossed her fingers behind her back.

Chapter 7

Curled up on the couch that night next to her own personal heater, Aurora decided this felt like being on vacation. Drake lived with all the conveniences of modern day. She wasn’t sure how he had internet and every TV channel possible.

“Have I used up all my questions?” she asked, looking up at Drake.

“I’m feeling very mellow after our afternoon nap,” he answered in that low, growly voice that did things to her.

Feeling her face heat, Aurora knew she was blushing. She’d refused to doze so Drake had ravished her. Then, she’d slept like a log for two hours. She really did need to learn to follow his directions. Or maybe not. Sex with Drake was incredible. Who knew she could come so many times?

“Next time, you’ll be on your hands and knees,” he growled.


“That was your next question, right?”


“But now you’re intrigued,” Drake said with a slow grin that did something to her.

Aurora squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to squash the heat building. To distract him, she asked, “What do you do?”

“Do? I’m a dragon.”

“Does that mean you don’t work?”

“A dragon exists to collect beautiful, precious things.”

“What does that mean? You have a display room somewhere with porcelain figurines?” Aurora joked. A picture of him with a feather duster popped into her mind, making her laugh.

“I do not want to know whatever that thought was.”

“No, you don’t,” she admitted, laughing.

“You know, there is a way for our thoughts to connect,” he told her way too casually.

“Really? I don’t know that having you read my mind would be a good thing.”

“Can you imagine what it would feel like to share experiences during sex?”

Her mouth dropped open as she scooted away to stare at him. “I could feel what you feel?”

“When we share minds, yes,” he answered with a knowing smirk.

Temptation loomed in her brain, but rationality won out. “I think I’m better keeping my thoughts to myself. Thank you.”

“You can always change your mind. Let me show you how.”

“I don’t think I want to know,” Aurora answered quickly.

“Lean back against the couch and close your eyes.” His tone brooked no refusal.

Assuming the position, she peeked open one eye to say, “I really don’t want to do this.”


