Dragon in Boots – The Immortal Tailor Read Online Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 62528 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

She wanted to end her soul? His heart sank. “You do not wish to have another chance at life?”

“I followed Jac earlier when she met up with that Dash guy,” she explained.

Damien wondered why Sky would follow Jac, but it didn’t seem germane to the conversation.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Something Dash said made a lot of sense. He said that the time of dragons was over, and it got me thinking. Maybe my time is over, too.”

“You are not a dragon, Sky. You’re a journalist whose life ended prematurely because I allowed a sex fairy to distract me while driving a very large SUV.”

“True. But if I’d stayed dead that first time, Amelia and Miguel would be fine. They’d be safe. Instead, they’re locked up in some SBP warehouse.” She sat up and whisked away a phantom tear.

He sat up, too, wishing there was some way to make everything right for her. Watching her suffer killed him. “That is not your fault.”

“Isn’t it?” She arched a dark brow.

“All right. Yes, it is, but that does not mean you should give up on life.”

“Damien, if I return, I won’t be able to resist going back to SBP and getting revenge. I know I won’t. They took the people I love. They murdered me. Not to mention all of the humans they harmed testing their new body program or the creatures they tortured for parts.”

He understood her feelings. He’d be angry, too.

“Well,” he said. “if you change your mind, I am happy to continue being your anchor.” As a ghost, Sky could not remain in the world of the living without one.

“Thanks, but once my sister and nephew are free, I have to go. It’s not fair to dangle my hotness in front of your nose all the time.”

Sky was putting him first. He’d never had anyone do that.

He looked at the gap in the curtains, finding it difficult to say how he felt. He would miss her.

“What about Amelia and Miguel?” he finally asked. “What will you tell them?” They would be heartbroken to lose Sky again.

“The truth. I never should’ve returned, and now I have to make things right.”

Damien wanted to respect her wishes, but at the same time, he didn’t agree. Maybe she’ll change her mind after she saves her family.

“So, what’s the plan when we return to LA?” he asked. “How shall I die for you?”

“I was thinking you could drive one of your cars off an ocean cliff. The authorities will think the sharks got your body or you were taken by the current.”

“Which car?” He frowned.

Sky gave him a disapproving look. “Does it really matter? We’re talking about the people I love.”

Well, he didn’t have “people.” He had cars. “Fine. I’ll use the delivery van.”

“After I’m gone, would you look in on my family from time to time?”

“I will.” She really didn’t even have to ask.

“Thank you.” Sky leaned close and kissed him, pumping her energy outward so he could feel the faint touch of her lips.

He reached his arms to embrace her, but she faded away.


“She gawn.” Pet popped out from behind the headboard, fanning her tiny face. “But that was hawt!”

“Shut up, Pet.”

“I will if you let me lick it.” Her gaze stuck to his groin.

“Leave, or I’ll buy the Barbie chastity belt I found online and make you wear it.”

“Ha! I already have one, and it only covers two holes, so joke’s on you!”

He did not want to ask why she owned one. It would only lead to some vile sexscaped story he could not unhear.

He got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Strange how empty his chest felt inside. Sky was going to move on, and then he’d never see her again.

He lowered his head, feeling that emptiness spread. Christ, I need to talk to that dragon. He had to make one more attempt to convince the creature to breed.

His phone rang in the other room, and he heard Pet answer. “Heya, Votan! When do you need that follow-up on your prostate?” she said and then paused. “Well, yes, I know your exam wasn’t voluntary, but you’re never too old to take care of your health.”

Dear gods. Damien went into the bedroom and snatched his phone from Pet’s tiny hands.

“Hello?” he said.

“Tailor, why haven’t I received any updates on your search for Cimil?” Votan did not sound happy.

Damien toggled through the options in his mind. He could lie, but if Votan found out, he would not be very forgiving. Then again, if Damien disclosed Cimil’s whereabouts, he’d lose the chance to make one last-ditch effort to help Sky. It was a question of saving his own neck versus keeping the door open for Sky. For a body she does not want, though she might change her mind.

Damien cleared his throat. “Votan, I was going to call you later today. I have a lead on Cimil, but I need more time.” That last part was true.


