Dragon in Boots – The Immortal Tailor Read Online Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 65
Estimated words: 62528 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 208(@300wpm)

“Grumble, grumble,” Minky said.

“Sure, lube is okay, but only the edible kind. And humans don’t eat the tube.”

“Grumble, grumble.”

“No, dentures aren’t an option. I’m afraid that Nancy’s body is going to be in the hospital for a while. But I hear the surgery went well to remove all the crap you made her body eat.”

Minky began complaining that Cimil never let her have any fun, which wasn’t true.

“Who do you think I’m doing this for, huh, Mink? You. You’ll get all the human bodies you want out of this, and since these ones come without a soul, you can trash them all you want.” Unlike poor Nancy.

Minky finished off the last toe.

“Those look fantastic. You want me to wax your taint now?” Cimil loved doing it. Listening to Minky scream in pain was hilarious.

“Grumble, grumble.”

“No? Not in the mood?” Cimil frowned. “Oh, Minksters. Don’t you worry your rainbow-colored, dead-as-a-doornail heart. No one suspects a thing. Our plan will be a triumph! And wait until you see the look on Votan’s face.”

Yes, they would have to dig out the Polaroid camera for this one. It would be a moment requiring some serious decoupage. Oh, I know. I’ll lacquer Votan’s favorite Mayan temple with photos of his surprised face.

“I just don’t get one thing,” Cimil said, wiggling her sparkly toes to help them dry faster. “Why does everyone always underestimate me? After thousands of years, they have to know I’m up to no good.”

“Grumble, grumble.”

“Yes, right you are, girl. No one ever expects the Spanish inquisition.” And this would blow that yummy festival of malevolence right out of the water.

And after Cimil executed her plan, got her old job back, and took the throne among humans, she would start the next phase of getting back her sweet Roberto and wicked children.

We’ll be one, big, happy, evil family again! She hoped. Otherwise, she’d have to kill them.

“Ma’am, the mall is closed now,” said a security guard. “And you’ll have to pay for the nail polish you stole, or I’ll call the police.”

Cimil looked up and clapped. “Police? Oh, please do. Minky needs snacks.”


Jac knocked on the door of Dash’s upscale apartment, about thirty minutes from the club in a quiet neighborhood. One thing she’d noticed when she pulled up in her truck was that the building had a flat roof and a fire escape around the side.

She immediately wondered if this was where Dash took off for flight or landed when he came home.

So strange thinking of him getting all scaly and sprouting wings. Also, how did the whole fire thing work? So many questions.

The door flew open, and Dash stood there with his messy hair and tired eyes, looking downright sexy in blue boxers.

“It’s two in the morning. What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked.

Okay, maybe more grumpy than sexy. She held up the grocery bag. “I couldn’t sleep and thought that maybe dragons are nocturnal eaters? I brought ribeyes.”

He shook his head. “So you know now.”

“Can I come in?”

“Why the hell not?” He stepped aside.

She entered his sparsely furnished living room, which contained a glass coffee table, brown leather couch, and TV. There were no decorations or personal effects anywhere. “Minimalist look, huh?”

“My last five places caught on fire, so I’m not big on owning more than I need.”

She frowned, noting the faint scent of something burnt in the air. “How awful.”

“Yeah, well, we all have challenges in life. So who spilled the beans? Minky? Cimil?”

“You mean Mink and Mrs. Peepers? No. It wasn’t them.”

He gave her a look. “Then who?”

“The man who filled in for you tonight. Apparently, he needs Cimil’s help, and we know what she wants.” She paused. “I overheard your conversation backstage.”

“Did she put you up to coming here? Is that what this is about?” He folded his strong arms over his bare chest. “Sorry to tell you, but steaks aren’t going to change anything.”

She set the bag of meat on his coffee table. “These were only meant to get me in the door. I already figured you weren’t going to change your mind.”

“It’s not about my mind, but why are you here, then?” he asked.

To gain your trust and sympathy. “That is a very good question.”

He gestured for her to sit.

“Thanks.” She plunked down on the couch and rallied her warmest smile. “I came to offer you refuge. Safety. If you ever need it.”

He remained standing, which put her at eye level with the bulge in his shorts. Very distracting. Stick to his eyes. His beautiful eyes. No. Stop thinking about how stunning blue they are.

Okay. Look at his neck or ear.

Dangit. Those were nice, too. She went back to the eyes.

“You locked me in a cage. Why the hell do you think I’d ever want your help?” he asked.

“As you know, I run a sanctuary for exotic, wild animals. And I figure that you might need medical care one day, right?”


