Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

And she ate that shit up.

So did he.

Every day that passed, every minute he spent with her, made him realize he never wanted any other man to experience what Emma gave him. Because every time they fucked, she didn’t hold anything back. She gave him her all.

And that right there got him in the fucking gut.

She gave him, Dawg, everything she had.

That got him thinking once more: what he did to deserve her? Was fate fucking with him? Teasing him with a woman he couldn’t get enough of? Giving him hope that she would stick, only to rip her away because of her circumstances?

Or his?

“Em,” he growled.

She let out a little noise of complaint when he pulled out, but he only did it long enough to turn her around in the tight shower. Then he pressed her back against the wall, jerked her legs up around his waist and plunged into her once again.

His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her ass as she wrapped her arms around his neck, grabbing handfuls of his hair, arching her back to press her beautiful fucking tits into his chest.

His rhythm stuttered when she ripped his head back and bit the side of his throat.

He squeezed his eyes shut and stilled, trying not to come. But it was hard. So hard.

No way was he done with her. Not yet.

“Can’t get any deeper than that, baby girl,” he groaned, letting her weight drop a little farther, grinding hard against her.

“Baby, you feel so good inside me,” her honey-smooth voice whispered near his ear.

She normally didn’t say much during sex. Made a lot of noises, fuck yeah, but talking? No. So when she said shit like that, he appreciated every word that came out of her mouth.

He pressed his forehead against hers and sucked in a breath as he slowed this pace, savoring her tight heat, her soft skin, her baby blues. Everything about her.

“Think that feels fuckin’ good? You should be me. Ain’t no better feelin’ then bein’ inside you, Em. None.”

“When you say things like that...” Her words drifted off, but he needed to hear her finish her thought.

“Tell me,” he encouraged.

“You make it difficult...”

“To what?” His heart thumped heavily in his chest.

She shook her head. “Not now.”


Whatever she was going to say wasn’t what he thought. So, yeah, he didn’t want to hear it now.

Because in this shower, it was just the two of them. No one else. Reality could wait its asshole-self outside the bathroom door. But right now, this was his time alone with her. No customers, no ex-husbands, no Shadow Warriors, no clubs of any kind, no worries about their daughters.

It was just them. Every time they fucked, it was their break from the craziness that surrounded them.

Even though, for the most part, Emma acted like she had her shit together and was dealing with Lily’s abduction as best as she could, he knew on the inside she was ripped apart and worried constantly.

He’d catch her just staring at an object, lost in her head. Chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about her daughter. Or sometimes she’d try to hide her tears, thinking he didn’t see her crying.

He did. It tore him apart, too. And each and every tear she shed over Lily made him want to kill the bastard that much more.

He wanted to go with Hunter and Walker to Brunei or wherever Lily was. But he had no passport. No training in being covert. He could fuck everything up.

Because like D would turn into a beast if Jewelee was ever snatched again, Dawg would be the same way... kicking in doors and busting fucking heads.

He’d blow the whole mission.

So he needed to let those men do what they did best. And he needed to take care of his woman, be her support, and remind her that people did care.

Especially him.

“Dawson,” she murmured against his throat.

He realized he had slowed his thrusting to almost a complete stop.

“Yeah, baby girl.”

“The water’s freezing.”

He hadn’t even noticed until she said it. But it sure as fuck was.

He turned off the shower and without breaking their connection, stepped out, carried her over to the sink, propped her ass on the edge and took his time to get her worked up once more.

She clung tightly to him as she came once more, and he finally let go. And when he glanced up in the mirror at the two of them, he saw two people who looked like they belonged in totally different worlds.

But maybe they could make it work.

Hawk and Kiki couldn’t have been more different. Sophie and Z were, too. And look at them now.

Perfect examples of how no two puzzle pieces were ever the same, but somehow when placed together they fit seamlessly.

He’d never put a puzzle together in his life, but he was willing to try.


