Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

Kiki’s voice dragged her out of her thoughts. She realized that she was squeezing the crap out of Dawg’s hand and relaxed her fingers slightly.

“Dawg, I’m the club’s attorney. You know I handle everything for the MC now. Which would include something like this. So you better believe I’m going to help you out on this. There’s no reason you shouldn’t see your biological daughter. How old is she?”


The man missed out on fourteen years of his daughter’s life. Emma couldn’t imagine that.

Again, Kiki looked a little shell-shocked. “Fourteen and I haven’t heard a word about her?”

“Just found out ‘bout her myself last year. Didn’t think I’d want to interrupt her life. Got it good where she’s at.”

“Are you listed as her father on the birth certificate?”

He shook his head, his fingers twitching within Emma’s. It was her turn to give him a reassuring squeeze.

“So, you didn’t know anything about her until recently?”


“Dawg... Are you sure she’s yours?”

“Ain’t had a test yet, but saw her. Positive she’s mine. Gut tells me so.”

“Wow.” Kiki sat back and rubbed a hand over her forehead. “Do any of the guys know about her?”

“Nope. Just Emma, and now you.”

“How did you find out?”

His eyes slid to Emma for a moment, then back to Kiki. “A friend of ‘ers let it slip.”

A friend of hers let it slip? Hers? As in the mother’s? From the way Dawg talked, the mother’s friends wouldn’t be running in the same circles as Dawg. Emma wondered if there was more to it than that.

“Okay, well... First thing we need to do is get a DNA test ordered to establish paternity. She’ll fight it, of course. Then once paternity is established, I’ll petition the court for visitation. It might be a problem when it comes to you not only managing Heaven’s Angels, but living above the club, too. That may give them ammo to keep you out of your daughter’s life. They could say that you’re unfit to be a parent. Even just for visitation. I don’t know. I’ll have to talk to some other attorneys I know that specialize in family law. But again, if you’re thinking about moving and giving up the club...”

“Givin’ up Heaven’s Angels. Not the DAMC.”

“Right, that’s what I meant. Even so, Dawg... when it comes to custody or visitation rights... just you being a part of the DAMC, even though it’s not an outlaw club, might hinder both you and Emma. I’m just warning you now. I hope I’m wrong, but...” She shook her head. “Life’s unfair sometimes, as we all know.”

“Right,” he grunted. “Lemme know what I gotta do to get it done.”

“I will, Dawg. As long as everyone stays out of jail, you and Emma will be my top priority. Got me?” Her pretty blue eyes twinkled as she said the last.

“Got you,” Dawg chuckled. “Appreciate it, Keeks.”

Kiki rose from her seat. “You know I’d do anything for you guys,” she glanced over at Emma, “and the sisterhood. You’re all family.”

Emma’s gaze dropped to the diamond on Kiki’s left ring finger. “I’ve been meaning to tell you since I first spotted it, that’s a very beautiful ring.” And very huge, too. It had to have cost a fortune.

Kiki’s eyes got soft, and a smile drifted over her lips. “Yes. My ol’ man’s very generous.”

Dawg’s hand settled on the back of Emma’s neck under her hair and he squeezed gently as he said, “Hawk’s world revolves around you.”

Kiki shook her head. “No. I think it’s the opposite.”

“When you gonna give him babies?”

Kiki laughed. “It isn’t my turn. Jewel’s unexpected news screwed up the betting pool. Ivy was supposed to be next. So I’ve got time.”

“Not so sure ‘bout that. Though, doubt Hawk’ll be passin’ out like D did when he heard the news.”

Kiki’s laugh filled the office and it made Emma smile. “Diesel passed out when he found out Jewel was pregnant?”

“Oh yeah,” Kiki said. “He dropped like a tree onto the pavement. Luckily he’s hard-headed so he wasn’t hurt.”


“Yes, it was a wow moment, all right,” Kiki agreed as she escorted them back out into the lobby where Jayde was texting furiously on her phone.

Kiki tilted her head toward the younger woman and raised her eyebrows at Dawg. “See? Make sure you talk to you-know-who if you see him before Hawk does,” she whispered. She raised her voice, “Jayde, who are you texting?”

Jayde glanced up in surprise, then slapped the phone face down on her desk. “No one... A friend.”

“Uh-huh,” Kiki said. She turned to Emma and Dawg. “I’ll let you guys know when I need you back in here.”

“Thank you for everything,” Emma said.

Kiki gave her a smile. “It’s my pleasure. I might not be a family law expert, but I’ll do my best to get your family back together. For both of you.”


