Diamonds and Dust – Lonesome Point Texas Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 64880 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 324(@200wpm)___ 260(@250wpm)___ 216(@300wpm)

“I hope that kid ends up in jail,” Pike said, pressing her to his chest. “If his drunk bullshit had taken Clem away…”

“Don’t even say it,” Mia said, letting out a shaky breath. “I can’t think about it anymore.”

“Me either,” Tulsi said, pulling away from Pike. “I should call my mom and let her know Clementine’s out of surgery before I go back to see her.”

“I’ll make sure someone tells your dad, too,” Pike said. “Then I’ll run to your place and get you clean clothes and whatever else you’ll need to spend the night. You’re going to stay in Clem’s room, right?”

Tulsi nodded. “Yes. Thank you,” she said, gratitude flooding through her chest as he smiled and leaned down to press a quick kiss to her cheek. “And if you could get a couple of Clem’s stuffed animals from her room, too, that would be great. It won’t be the same as Snuggly Blanket and Monster Princess, but I’m sure she’d appreciate something to cuddle when she wakes up.”

“I’m on it,” Pike said, with a wink, before he turned and started toward the front desk.

She watched him go, silently thanking the universe for the host of miracles that she’d witnessed tonight, before she reached for her cell.

“Let me step outside and call your mom,” Mia said, touching her hand to Tulsi’s arm. “I’ve got her number. You stay here so you can go back the second Clem’s ready for visitors.”

“Thank you,” Tulsi said. “Thank you for everything. I’m so glad we’re still friends.”

Mia grinned. “Family. And no sense staying mad at family, right? And since I get the feeling you’re going to be my sister for real before too long, it would be even stupider to hold a grudge. Just be good to Pike, and I’ll consider us square for life.”

Tulsi nodded seriously. “I will. I love him so much, Mia.”

“He’s pretty crazy about you, too,” she said, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe I didn’t see it before, but I guess sometimes we only see what we’re expecting to see.” She slipped her cell from her purse as she backed toward the sliding doors. “I’ll call your mom and be right back.”

“Thanks,” Tulsi said, Mia’s words resonating. For years, she’d done the same thing. She’d only seen what she expected to see, refusing to see the options that were right in front of her. From now on, she was determined to look at the big picture and realize that, no matter how bleak things seemed, there was always hope and paths that led out of the darkness.

A few minutes later, Nurse Amy returned and took her back to see Clementine, who looked even smaller than usual lying in a big hospital bed with tubes in her arms and bandages covering most of her chest. Tears sprung immediately to Tulsi’s eyes, but she forced a smile. She refused to cry or do anything to scare Clem more than her daughter had been scared already.

“Hey, bug. I’m so happy to see you!” Tulsi took her daughter’s small hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze, wishing she could draw Clem into her arms and rock her all night the way she did when she was a baby.

“Where’s Grandpa?” Clem asked, her forehead wrinkled. “Is he okay?”

“He’s going to be fine,” Tulsi assured her. “He’s already resting and doing great. How about you, baby? How are you feeling?”

“Everything hurts. All over.” Clem’s blue eyes swam with tears. “I don’t like it here, Mommy, I want to go home.”

“I know,” Tulsi said, heart breaking. “But we need to stay until you’re better. The doctors and nurses are doing a great job taking care of you and in a few days you’ll be stronger and we can go home.”

“I don’t like the nurses. They’re mean. They wouldn’t let me see you when I woke up,” Clem said with a pitiful sniff. “I said I wanted my mommy, but they wouldn’t go get you. I was so mad I wanted to push them and run away, but everything hurt too bad.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” Tulsi smoothed Clem’s hair from her forehead. “I know it’s confusing, but they weren’t trying to be mean. They just had to make sure you were okay before they came to get me. Those are the hospital rules. But now I’m here and I’m sticking to you like glue. I’ll sleep right by your bed and be there whenever you wake up.”

“You promise?” Clem said, her eyelids already drooping.

“I promise,” Tulsi said. “A team of wild horses couldn’t drag me away. Mr. Pike is getting my things from the house and he’s bringing your stuffed animals, too. Next time you wake up you’ll have animal friends in your bed, and I’ll be here to get you anything you need. We’ll rest and watch movies and play cards and do whatever we can to keep your mind off the bad stuff until you’re all better.”


