Daddy Fox – MC Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 215
Estimated words: 217988 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1090(@200wpm)___ 872(@250wpm)___ 727(@300wpm)

“I’ve decided to feed you every meal from now on.”

Her eyes widened and she started to choke. Alarm filled him.

“Shit! She’s choking!” Brody said.

The Fox quickly whacked her back, holding his hand under her mouth. “Spit it up. Spit it up, now.”

Tears streamed down her face as she spat the pizza onto his hand, gasping for breath. “Sorry. Ew. Gross.”

Brody jumped up and grabbed a glass of water and a paper towel. While Brody helped her drink, the Fox cleaned up his hand.

He rubbed her back while she finished drinking. “Better?”

She nodded. “That was disgusting.”

“I shouldn’t have said that while you were swallowing. Brody, can you fill her sippy cup with water, please?”

“I’d rather have an energy drink.”

“Water,” he said firmly.


“Water. Any more arguments and you’ll be going to bed an hour earlier tonight.”

“Water it is.”

He grunted in satisfaction.

“Is your throat okay, Tutu?” Brody asked with worry, returning with her sippy cup.

“It’s fine,” she told him with a smile. But she still sounded hoarse.

The Fox frowned and held the sippy cup up for her to take a few more sips.

“Thanks, Daddy,” she said tiredly, pulling back and resting her head on his shoulder.

Today had been a big day and she seemed exhausted.

Brody eyed her worriedly.

“You can’t always feed me, Daddy,” she told him.

“Sure, I can. When I’m here anyway. I’ll get that high chair out of storage.”

She squirmed on his lap, and he could tell she liked the idea.

“Open up, here it comes.” He gave her the mouthful and watched carefully as she chewed and swallowed.

“You could do the choo-choo train for her, Papa,” Brody said with a grin. “Or an airplane.”

“Brody-bear likes trains, Daddy. You could do it for him.”

Brody snorted. “Nice try. Not happening.”

The Fox fed her several bites, eating some himself. There was something very soothing about sitting here with his babies, feeding one and teasing the other. It wasn’t something he’d ever had. A family. People to eat with. To take care of.

This was perfect.

Hello, slut.

Look at you, panting so hard. So eager for my dick, aren’t you?

Beg for my touch, bitch. Beg for it like the little slut you are.

“Tutu! Tutu, wake up!”

Stupid little slut.

“Bunny, wake up right now!”

She jolted awake. She was back there. Trapped by the slimy senator. Held down by his bodyguards while he touched her, taunted her.

She gasped for breath. She had to get out. Get away. She fought the hands that grabbed at her.

“Tutu, it’s us! Ouch! Shit!”

“Bunny! Baby girl! Stop. Stop it right now and listen to your Hero.”

The voice was so cold and sharp it sliced right through her panic.


“That’s right. It’s your Hero.”

“You’ve got to get out of here. He’s coming back. He’s coming back.”

“He’s not coming back, Tutu.”

The other voice startled her. Part of her recognized who it was, but the rest was stuck in the past.

“No, no, he’s coming! He’s coming!” She was blind to her surroundings.

“Bunny, look at me. Look at me.” Hands forced her head back, so she had to look up at him.

“It’s dark and cold. I’m scared, Hero. He’s going to rape me when he comes back. Then he’ll kill me. I’m not strong enough to survive him.”

“You’re strong enough to do anything,” her Hero told her. “But you don’t have to because I’m here.”

“You can’t fight him. He has guards.”

“I can take them all. I’ll kill them all.”

Her panic started to fade.

“Fox,” someone said warningly.

She stiffened.

“Quiet, Pup,” her Hero said firmly. “Bunny, listen to me. I’ve killed all of them. You’re safe.”

“You killed them, Hero?”

“I did. I murdered the bastards.”

“You made it hurt?”

“Sure did.”

She sighed. “Good. They deserved it. They weren’t nice to me.”

“I know, baby girl. I know.” He kissed the top of her head, his arms around her as he rocked her back and forth “My beautiful girl. No one will ever hurt you again.”

Gradually, awareness filtered in.

She wasn’t there anymore. In that dark room—being assaulted and abused.

Instead, she was sitting on the Fox’s lap, in his bed, with Brody watching her worriedly.

“Hi,” she said croakily.

Brody took hold of her hand. Someone had turned a light on.

Was that a red patch on his cheek?

“How did you hurt your cheek?” she asked.

“Accident. You want to talk about your dream?”

“No,” she said hoarsely. “I was just back there in that room.”

“Talking about it this afternoon stirred up memories,” the Fox said in a dark voice.

“Yeah.” She cleared her throat. She felt exhausted but like she was buzzing. “I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to sleep for a while. Why don’t you guys go back to sleep, and I’ll go watch television?”

“Not happening,” the Fox said. “I can’t let you out of my sight right now.” There was a rawness to his voice that had her glancing up at him worriedly.

“Okay, I’ll stay here.” She’d just lie here and hold him and try to keep back the memories.


