Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

I held off until she settled then with my fist in her hair proceeded to fuck the shit out of her. I can’t put a name to the sounds she was making, but they sounded just about right for the occasion. I wasn’t interested in her cumming though she did a time or two and because I hadn’t told her not to I let it slide.

I was more interested in my own release, the pent up fear and lust riding me hard as I fucked into her on autopilot. She screamed when I bit into her neck harder than usual and then again when I pounded her pussy to my own completion. I pulled out and got off the bed and headed for the shower.

When I came out there was dinner on the table and I just looked at her. She stood in the middle of the room not knowing where to look; her shoulders slumped. She picked her head up when she felt me looking at her and a more pitiful sight you have yet to see.

“Come here.” She started to walk towards me. “No, on your knees.” She gave me a wary look before understanding dawned and she got down on her hands and knees and crawled over to me.

“Did you have something you wanted to say to me?”

“Yes, I’m sorry sir it won’t happen again.” Her voice was hoarse from disuse and crying.

“Look at me.” She raised her eyes to mine and I waited until I was sure she saw what I needed her to. When she swallowed hard and her eyes welled up with tears, I knew she got the message.

“See that you don’t because if you ever put what’s mine at risk again I will fucking leave you. If you ever disrespect me again, no matter if it’s now or thirty years from now, the punishment will be the same. That little stunt cost you. Now get up there and eat.”

I didn’t join her at the table. I wasn’t hungry. She started to pick at her plate while I fixed myself a sandwich. “Eat Susana.” She jumped and picked up her fork. I ignored her tears as I stood at the kitchen island and ate.

She was unusually quiet the rest of the night but that was to be expected. Once again I left her without a word as I went out into the night to meet my brothers. I wasn’t sure how long my mad was gonna last, but I knew I wouldn’t be doing her any favors by letting her off the hook so easy. Which kind of fucked with my program.

There was something I had been planning, something I didn’t want to put off for too long, that I might have to now that I was punishing her ass. I didn’t want my kid conceived in anger. I wanted him or her to have at least a better shot than I ever did from beginning to end.

“What’s on for tonight?” I posed the question as soon as I joined the others in the yard. “I think we’ll stay close to home tonight. If all goes well we should be leaving in a few days. What say we make sure things around here are secure?” Logan looked to all of us for approval.

“Sounds good to me.” I wasn’t in the mood for much else.

We headed to command central at the mansion. Since we couldn’t take everything with us we had to make copies of what we may need. We were accustomed to travelling light but with women and a child involved that wasn’t going to be possible.

I decided to give the house a last run through upstairs and down. I entered the old man’s bedroom I think for the second time since we’d been here. I don’t think any of us had ever been in here except for in the very beginning when shit had started going south, and even then we’d done a quick walkthrough.

There was a huge portrait of the man himself hanging on the wall, which for some reason seemed out of place. The CO wasn’t the type, but then again, who can ever really know another person’s little idiosyncrasies?

I studied the image for a while wondering what it was about it and its placement that held my interest. But when there was no answer forthcoming I moved deeper into the room.

The place was just as he’d left it, or we hoped that was the case. We’d got here as soon as we could but it had still been a few days before we were able to get stateside at the time of his death.

If our enemies had suspected that the old man had been hiding anything here, then they would’ve already gone through the place. All the same I walked through the suite, from the bedroom to the sitting area and into the walk-in closet. I’ll save the bathroom for last.

I wasn’t exactly expecting to find anything, we’d already gone through the office and study and were still combing through both places, but maybe we’d been a bit lax in overlooking this space.

I ran my fingers along walls and knocked on alternating places for any hint of hollowness behind the walls. I tried to remember if there was anything that the old man had said, any hint coming onto the end that he knew what was coming.

There had to be something somewhere that we were missing. There’s no way the man we’d known had been so completely blindsided. He had to have known if not all, then some of it.

Ty came up to find me and he too looked a little uncomfortable being in here. “Find anything?”

“Nope, but I’ve been thinking, there has got to be something here. No way he didn’t leave us something, some crumb to follow. You really believe they got the drop on him like that?”

“Nah, I don’t think any of us do, but we’ve looked and so far haven’t really found anything that would shed any light, except for that cryptic shit about the kids maybe being his.”


